
saw several of my guyliker friends talking about some Star Wars show guy being hot and wanting to write fanfic and etc etc and I was like ugh not this shit again but then I saw a screenshot and I was like, you know what girls, you're right about this one, fic away, masturbate as much as you like
Hol up why did nobody say this show had Manny Jacinto
I'm probably still not going to watch it but I appreciate the screencap
Manny Jacinto is the reason I started watching it tbh
It's not very good imho BUT he is...I mean. Look. That is a beautiful human being AND he's having so much fun with the character.
Hilariously, I was halfway through the season before I realized it was him.
Easily the most compelling performance in the show so far.
Oh, hands down. For some reason the direction for most of the other characters has been really flat? It's not the actors fault at all, just something weird in the direction.
Haha that’s a classic Star Wars problem
Yeah, the exception is Andor. That was just incredibly good on all levels. I think the stuff that goes really Force mystical just doesn't work well for me personally? I don't want to be mean to people for whom this stuff matters, it just feels real flat to me.
Yeah, it kinda took them until ep 5 to realize they had an action star on their hands and should let her do her thing, but otherwise they haven't really put Dafne Keen to effective use.
Yeah, some things just really aren’t landing thus far.
I've been considering it because Stenberg (there's a clip of them on violin playing the theme on a talk show doing the rounds and ye gods they're good) I'm thinking it's gone up on the possibles next time I'm in a house with D+
They’re great in it as well! The plot is fairly formulaic but the character performances are excellent.
I'm still just glad stuff like that now exists. You own a setting, it doesn't have to be the Skywalker Family Drama, or the further adventures of The Enterprise, tell some stories set in various parts of the galaxy and have fun with it But it's still Wars and I still haven't gotten over Jar Jar