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signal xor.25519
they should really remove this setting
Reposted byAvatar xormetric
yes, i ended up taking over devops for… a private cryptocurrency network. how i kept the important stuff on me while nomading: made USB earrings. one booted into Tails, the other was encrypted and held the master signing key.
Reposted byAvatar xormetric
"assume everybody knows this but just in case": we think public blocks and enumerating/policing block behavior are bad! the reasons they got implemented that way are serious, but we bemoan and brainstorm fixes around this endlessly
Reposted byAvatar xormetric
did everyone just decide to forget copyright is part of Intellectual Property. property, as in, capital. a "capitalist" isn't just a rich guy, a capitalist is one who profits from capital, however much they do. so yes, even poor artists are capitalists, and a consistent socialist will oppose them.
it's not the pirate stealing from the author through some nebulous lost sale. it's publishers and authors who are stealing from the printing presses, using the threat of State violence to impose a monopoly that only one press may print a book, that only one site can sell the e-book.
creatives struggling is not an argument to deprive other people who are also struggling from access to creative works
Reposted byAvatar xormetric
if i had to choose between every creative in the world becoming destitute overnight or maintaining copyright, i would pick the latter every single time. nothing can ever make up for the millions who have died and continue to die from vaccine or renewable energy patents
if any authors want some free publicity i'll go right now and put your book on global freeleech on mam so more people learn of it and download it
"we authors just *know* piracy's negatively impacted our sales!" breaking news: time travel technology has been discovered. scientists thank authors for discovering that writing a book confers upon you the ability to obtain information from parallel dimensions in which people don't pirate your book
"In general, the results do not show robust statistical evidence of displacement of sales by online copyright infringements. [...] For games, the estimated effect of illegal online transactions on sales is positive – implying that illegal consumption leads to increased legal consumption."
reading some of the most stupid and tired misinformation tonight
really happy to have automated doing this right from teh app, getting some real good use of it tonight
if you don't know what a sybil attack is you probably should not be complaining about the incentives
the practical applications of large language models are language modeling
Reposted byAvatar xormetric
My comprehensive piece on "Kill Your Local Rapist" is now live. I held off writing for two years of awful discourse because I didn't want to take credit or central stage. Anything good in this essay should be read as a collective effort. *Every* CW: c4ss.org/content/59691
What’s In A Slogan? “KYLR” and Militant Anarcha-feminismc4ss.org An anarchist walks out of a punk show to smoke. On her vest are anarchist patches with various standard slogans, “No Gods No Masters,” “Death To Transphobes,” “Kill Your Local Rapist,” “All Cops Are B...
>instance defederates bridgy (@ap.brid.gy) so i wouldn't even be able to ask the user to please opt into the bridge to follow them if i wanted to why are fedi people like this man the one and only thing you are doing by defederating it is imposing onto your users that they can't have friends here
i often insist that torrenting isn't a lost art, but more importantly, i *won't let it become one* whatever your age or skill level, if you want to learn how to pirate, how to do it better, safer, how it's changed with time, or any other piracy-related topic, we'll teach you discord.gg/dxpkzrwCd3
"nobody knows how to torrent anymore :( :(" piracy communities are overflowing with teenagers. right now, 16 year olds are on the top private trackers uploading content just for fun, providing orders of magnitude more value to the pirate economy than you ever have.
"nobody knows how to torrent anymore :( :(" piracy communities are overflowing with teenagers. right now, 16 year olds are on the top private trackers uploading content just for fun, providing orders of magnitude more value to the pirate economy than you ever have.
reporting a user on matrix reports to your own homeserver and not to the reportee's server?? i run a single-user instance and i'm obviously not gonna defederate :matrix.org, so like what's the point of a report feature? if it won't actually make :matrix.org remove the spambots it seems useless.
company atproto pds with sso
i may be #1 pow hater but honestly bitcoin's energy usage does not worry me pow depends on demand much more than pos, and bitcoin's choice to not scale means that, as more and more people actually use crypto, bitcoin becomes a worse and worse choice. bitcoin can only stay the "top" coin for so long
Reposted byAvatar xormetric
calling the bsky team techbros is transphobic
Reposted byAvatar xormetric
“don’t feed my picture to ai”? buddy we’re legally obliged to
i am not misrepresenting the position of anti-ai people btw someone has quoted my post with "Actually I'm fine with AI guys offing themselves" they want the atrocities to be distributed more "fairly". they want more people to kill themselves. that's as simple as it is.
yes. that's exactly what's infuriating about this. the current state of affairs is bad. these people try to say that it *should be illegal for everyone*. they want everyone to suffer equally instead of it being limited to the marginalized. and that's not an improvement. it's not solving the problem.
what was inflicted upon Aaron Swartz was bad, actually, and the lack of a tragedy this time is a good thing!! you're saying the second part as if it's a bad thing but please, follow your own fucking argument! it's a good thing that people aren't facing financial devastation right now!!
Reminder that Aaron Swartz was facing 35 years in prison and financial devastation for trying to programmatically download and open the contents of JSTOR, which led to him taking his own life. But OpenAI is going to scrape all of academia and make billions by plagiarizing it.
what world do you have to live in to think this place doesn't spend anything on moderation when you report @rapist1488 on twitter, you wait 4 to 8 days then get a response saying "no everything's fine" when i reported someone with a slur in their username here they were gone in single-digit hours
i have never once subscribed to aegis. i didn't care for their labels. so i'm entirely unaffected by the collapse. i still have labels from other labelers including but not limited to Bluesky PBC's, we haven't lost All Of Moderation cause of this. all is as it should be! seems like a success to me
scarcity is fine actually because the monumental achievement of us surpassing scarcity is still recent i am utterly befuddled