
Reminder that Aaron Swartz was facing 35 years in prison and financial devastation for trying to programmatically download and open the contents of JSTOR, which led to him taking his own life. But OpenAI is going to scrape all of academia and make billions by plagiarizing it.
New version of chatbot reaches level of function where it responds to all queries by making a little twisty-wrist gesture with pinched fingers and saying “But isn’t it more *complicated* than that?”
Also, I been drinking with some of the greatest minds of my generation. PHD level intelligence is not the brag they think it is.
I try to tell people this but no one believes me. They know a lot about some very specific things but some can't negotiate the real world at all.
I know a guy with a PhD in astrophysics who thinks that liberals worship homosexuals.
I have most of a PHD and regularly put stuff in the microwave that shouldn’t go in the microwave. I have destroyed so many mugs.
See this is why I just learn little bits of knowledge from all sorts of areas. This has the negative drawback of making me unemployable lmao.
Yeah but it means we rock at trivia nights!
Jack of all trades and master of none is still much better than a master of one (and that's the original quote!)
dw phds are unemployable too
This is why D&D has intelligence and wisdom as two different stats. 😅
As a fighter I embrace neither, only the blade
For your dissertation defense, you have to pick out a microwavable mug like it's the Holy Grail in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
I may have to pivot my entire study into the phenomenology of microwavable ceramics
The majority of my colleagues have doctorates and cannot figure out how to digitally sign a PDF
Speaking as someone who has one, the defining characteristic you actually need to get a Ph.D. (leaving the financial side out of it) is stubbornness.
And a masochistic personality.
I suppose the implication is possessing the intelligence capable of earning a PhD but education and intelligence are two very different things and it seems a very stupid way of expressing that concept. Did ChatGPT provide that quote?
I think they know. After all, their heroes are all techbro drop outs with unicorn companies. They can say that precisely because they have no respect for phds.
I’m assuming you just completed your dissertation in Humble Bragging instead?
After a certain ammount of intelligence you stop being intelligent and just become Jordan B Peterson instead.
The question you have to ask. Is how will MIT make money on this? They threw Aaron under the bus because there was no upside for MIT
The wrong Reddit founder died.
Aaron had some unpleasant opinions tho.
AI is proof no huge company ever really cared about copyright, only *their* copyrights.
When you put it like that *incandescent rage*
AI will cost us trillions when you factor the whole adopting AI, firing talent, turns out AI sucks, oh shit where's all the talent cycle
That's not even getting into the emergency requirements
You forgot the exorbitant—lake-&forest-leveling—amount of energy that we just throw out the window for essentially nothing by training non-specialized models of that size.
ASU ( like presumably many others ) is handing them all the lecture notes, lesson plans, videos / etc from all their online classes and there is not enough fuck you in the world for president crow and our board of regents/ etc
But good luck getting any single one of those if you're a disabled student seeking accommodations.
I mean to be fair it’s not as though public universities are there to educate people so much as to return value to investors [ assistant whispers into ear ] Oh… uh… what’s that ‽ [ runs away ]
Amend the terms of use so “if any AI uses content from this site without a license first being obtained the owners and users of said AI hereby agree to pay $10 per day for each and every 1kb of data until such data is permanently deleted and the associated AI learning removed from the model”.
I don't think the lesson you should take from the tragic story of a young man forced into suicide by the threat of a multi-decade prison sentence for piracy is that we need to give copyright owners more rights, reduce the scope of fair use, and punish infringement more harshly.
I specifically talked about AI, which is harvesting data without any payment to the creators. I didn’t actually mention the tragedy as that required no further comment from me. I don’t see ‘grab everything’ AI is the same as individual fair use.
locking up data without paying the creators? you mean Elsevier's current business model? stealing from thieves is, at worst, morally neutral.
Hey now. Elsevier doesn't do that. It's far worse! They make the creator pay for the dubious expenses of the review they pay nothing for, the often non-existent editing, and the physical and virtual publication that they also make the end user pay for!
I’m very much in favour of individuals and academia having open access to academic papers. Again, this is different to an AI data hoover taking everything for commercial LLMs. If the AI results are guaranteed to be open source and free, then that’s an entirely different thing.
You're not wrong but this is petty revenge fantasy and not something that could or would happen.
Yeah, except for the last part is impossible. You'd have to remove the model altogether.
His crime, in the eyes of the system, was not the taking, but to try and make these things freely available. For another large entity to steal and charge more in turn is merely the proper functioning of our Hobbesian nightmare version of Capitalism, which Adam Smith would disavow in a heartbeat.
Swartz was/is a Big Hero! He won't be forgotten 🙏
This call out sings to my heart. And it also breaks it. Thank you. Apparently reality is a tragedy.