
I’ve been ranting & raging for years about predatory journals publishing bad & fake research, then ranting & raging for years about AI generated papers with more fake articles, authors, journals in citations. People using AI to generate fake publications & pass it as ‘research’ deserve all the hells
Recently, I was peer reviewing a paper, and it cited one of my papers. Except... it wasn't anything I had written. The title sounds like something I'd write. It included coauthors I work with, and was in a journal I've published in. But it wasn't real. AI is not good for science.
1000% Agree!!!!! Sadly only the most egregious one seem to be getting caught.
And too many, the vast majority in the millions, are passing by and we will pay the price soon enough as a society
The thing I think few people understand is where is future AI going to learn from? AI learns from humans, scraping the web for information/knowledge/art developed by humans.