
Sometimes I’m bummed about getting fired because I enjoyed the people I worked with And then I remember that my boss had me take a personality test when I was hired, and then again a month later and when I got the same result they said it was wrong and didn’t describe me 🤔🤔🤔
Just uhhhh maybe a dodged bullet ya know
It was INFJ, the advocate Which is apparently common among autistic people Like how tf are you gonna tell me I took a personality test wrong
The new place? They fired you? I gotta say, I was a little bit nervous when they lovebombed you at the beginning.
That’s what my mom said too. Looking back I can see it a lot clearer
I’m sorry they put you through that. You are not broken, the system is.
It's just astrology for the terminally online.
I think there’s something to it! If people are answering honestly then it can help you gauge who is more of a people person vs who works better alone, who may enjoy certain roles over other roles, etc. But it’s by no means perfect or all knowing, and that’s what’s so annoying
It doesn’t take certain outliers into consideration, like ASD, ADHD, or a variety of learning disabilities.
I feel your pain. When I took one 10 years ago, I took it from the lens of my professional personality—ENTP. I am very much NOT an extrovert, but I had learned how to act like one in settings where it was needed so I could do my HR job. To this day I STILL get the whole “we don’t believe you” stuff.
It’s such bullshit to use personality tests in the workplace.