Tallulah Shark

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Tallulah Shark


Motto: Wow. That really snuck up on me.
My daughter has been walking on the sides of her feet and wearing out her shoes. The foot doc said it’s not that bad yet. Just get her some better shoes. He also gave us some inserts. So I got her some pink New Balance and she’s so amazed at how great it feels!
We’ve been watching Vikings. This led to a morning-in-bed online rabbit hole that ended up with me sending information to Mr Shark about vacationing in Reykjavik.
Reposted byAvatar Tallulah Shark
Lost in the ongoing Trumpapalooza is the excellent news that a malaria vaccination developed at Oxford Univ. over the last 30 years and costing only £3 per shot is being unrolled in malaria-prone countries. If it fulfills its promise, this will make an enormous difference to so many lives.
Gift article because I have a subscription through work. Also there’s no real information here. It’s weird that they’re not saying who shot the gunman. I assume secret service but I haven’t heard anyone say that explicitly. www.nytimes.com/2024/07/14/u...
Here’s What Is Known About the Suspected Gunmanwww.nytimes.com Authorities identified the gunman as a 20-year-old man from Bethel Park, a town about an hour’s drive from the site of the shooting.
Got notified that my metro library card was expiring from lack of use. Forgot that I had got it to try for more books on Libby than were available from my rural system. So I looked up the number and finally added it to Libby. Boom! Boom! Boom! Notifications for all the books I had been waiting on!
My frustratingly centrist husband is in favor of expanding the court so I think it’s definitely time.
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Sen. Inhofe delayed climate action for years and personally harassed climate scientists to try to bully them into silence. His legacy is based on lies and should be a source of shame on par with Joe McCarthy’s. tulsaworld.com/news/local/f...
Former U.S. Sen. James Inhofe has died at 89, sources close to family saytulsaworld.com A one-time Tulsa mayor, Inhofe was the longest-serving congressman in Oklahoma history, with 36 years in office.
I got a call this afternoon: “This is nurse so-n-so with the such-n-such OR. Can you confirm the patient’s name?” Me: the who what now? Nurse: I need you to confirm the patient’s name for a status update. Me: I don’t know any— wait. Is it [my mom]? Nurse: Yes. She’s out of surgery and doing fine.
Simon Pegg absolutely murdered me on The Boys.
I thought it was going to be a super quiet day in the office, but the student workers (who almost outnumber staff today) are weirdly loud and energetic. Trying not to be annoyed lol.
I got bit by a horsefly when I got out of the pool and it actually bled.
Weird that it’s not the weekend.
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I am watching Monk. It’s charming. I imagine it’s problematic.
lol they’re going to be putting old x-boxes in our retirement homes when we get there.
I haven’t felt like reading at all lately and I’m way above my goal of two books a month so far this year so I guess I’ll just go easy on myself and allow myself to play way too many video games for a while.
Googling “best countries to retire to on a budget.” Some places you just have to show income of like $1500 a month and you get to use their free/inexpensive state healthcare and everything as a permanent resident.
Hahaha good job!
Well goddamn if they didn't have me pinned. Gift link if you want to do yours. www.nytimes.com/interactive/...
How can you ban sleeping outdoors without guaranteeing safe shelter for every person in your city? I know they just want homeless people to cease existing but it doesn’t actually work like that.
Reposted byAvatar Tallulah Shark
I think the thing for me is one guy is genuinely very elderly and losing it a bit, but has pretty good staff in a bunch of areas, tho admittedly not all areas I care about. And the other guy is a fascist who wants to install 4chan to run DOD, DOE, and DOJ. So it's not like it's a /hard/ decision
I gotta remember to check up on my old people better. It’s just hard to remember that my mom is old people now. Her power is completely out and the high today is going to be 101.
I couldn’t sleep so I stayed up playing multi-sudoku on my phone until my eyes blurred while pulling out half my eyelashes. Why am I?
Reposted byAvatar Tallulah Shark
Huh. I just thought they got easier because I had a baby. I had no idea the tool is different now!
People in their 50s up: If you are avoiding your smear test because you have traumatic memories of badly administered ones (like for example you find yourself on the verge of tears when asked to have one) NB they are a LOT better these days, and nurses generally better trained.
My cat has always been a good eater. Her weight is basically perfect. But she’s gotten super obnoxious about begging any time we’re in the kitchen and especially if she smells food. So then these farmers dog commercials got me thinking maybe the cat deserves real food.
Human bodies are poorly designed. Eating and breathing through the same hole is a mistake. (She said as she choked on a bit of pulled pork.)