Jehosaphat Q. Blatte

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Jehosaphat Q. Blatte

J.Q. Blatte actual.
Glenn Younkin's support for Trump disqualifies him for any serious office - President, dog catcher, meat inspector... #politics #Virginia #RVA
Kevin Roberts is a coward who has no intention of participating in any kind of real battle. He is a purveyor of hot air and dangerous rhetoric that threatens his own life more than it threatens a fly. #heritage #politics
If Harris vowed to stand by Biden's priorities and vowed to maintain decisions already in place, I would think about Harris as a replacement. But once in power, Harris would have no obligation to live by any of those promises just like every other politician. I trust Joe. #election2024
We need to have our nation's decisions made by people who don't breed animals for a living. We need people in power who do not treat humans as breeding stock. #politics
The conservative goal of eliminating OSHA confirms that GOP's ultimate goal is establishing a new slave trade. Who would take a job likely to end in death but someone who is forced to do so? #labor #politics
Abortion extremists on the religious right are like the Puritans who were kicked out of Europe. Get ready to book your trip to Mars, jackasses. #religion #politics #rocketship
'This Week' has jumped the final shark. George Puffhimupandatuff is replaying his interview with Biden. Yeah, that was two days ago buddy and it didn't move the ball. #media #politics
What makes libertarian GOP voters think the Project 2025 crowd will tolerate their religious heresies? Do you believe in the Trinity? The Divinity of Christ? Transubstantiation? Even if you think you're a Christian, fail to pass the religious purity tests, and prepare for jail. #politics #religion
The Christian Dominionists wield religion as a bludgeon and tool of absolute control instead of using it to form a common imagination and vision of shared community. #religion #politics
Unlike authoritarian Republicans who plot in secret, obscure their true political intentions and violently oppose dissent, Democrats are free to argue in public and encourage healthy debate for the common good. #freedom #politics
If social media should be held responsible for user content, cable providers should be held accountable for the lies on Fox News, Newsmax, et al not to mention the endless huckster commercialism. #media
And not a word about the fact that trump has hidden his medical records from the beginning, as one does when they’re “healthy”.
Why is MSM focusing all their attention on forcing Biden out? Where are the serious articles about who could replace him and win? Why no thoughtful discussion of what it means to the race. Who does this approach benefit? Follow the money.
I gotta say that people are having a lot of trouble distinguishing cognitive decline (Trump) from age-related changes in expression (Biden). Biden is elderly and talks like it. Trump literally does not have preserved reality-testing
Uh oh... I don't think he's dropping out as the weanies hope. #election2024
How will recent Supreme Court decisions affect the crypto world? Also, more absurdity from the crypto lobby, and some new regulatory actions. Catch up in my latest newsletter:
Issue 61 – Soft war by the How will recent Supreme Court decisions affect the crypto world? Also, more absurdity from the crypto lobby, and some new regulatory actions.
Is it too late to still blame The Secret for making people try to manifest stuff that can't happen?
This awful Biden situation could’ve been avoided if the US had simply stayed under British rule and gradually transitioned to being an independent parliamentary democracy like Canada
"What I'm saying is that we have no person on staff who knows how to run sound." - George Stephanopolos, ABC News #media
What’s interesting about the Biden interview is to look up Howard Dean interviews after his little happy yell and see how the media treat them pretty similarly despite Bidens age mattering and Howard Deans yell meaning nothing. All the interviews are like “…what do you tell people who saw that?”
I've spoken to many people and they have real concerns that ABC News is no more than a money-making venture. #politics
This is what every executive who says they “work 18 hours a day” means
I will never forget Trump's official White House schedule
If Anericans are fooled or frauded into a Russian asset as President, that is unfortunate but our Founders believed in a totalitarian dictatorship to rule America with military tribunals. #politics #election
You know folks, you could just do your own thing and be happy being an individual. #trends
The upside with Trump is all political podcasts now double as True Crime podcasts. #politics #podcasts #media
The British renamed Tory and are now calling it Labour. Let's see how it works out. #politics #UK