Max’s Dad

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Max’s Dad

Sales Leadership, Equity, WFH, Livable Wages, AI, Women’s Health, BLM, LGBTQ+ Rights, and Anti-fascism. Fix your heart or die.
Would there even BE a Donald Trump without 24/7 news channels and for-profit “journalism?”
According to Gallup polling, Reagan’s lowest approval rating was 35% in 1983. He went on to win 49 of 50 states a year later.
I think the MSM simply doesn’t understand the number of American families that are dealing with aging parents & memory issues vs dementia. Not for nothing, but I think people in diners know the difference between grandpas normal aging & grandmas Alzheimer’s - more than Politico & CNN analysts do.
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“The power of Monday’s dissents by Jackson and Sotomayor form quite the contrast with the speculative flights of fancy about a brokered convention in Chicago, which, it’s worth noting, have largely come from white male boomer types.” #USElection But her emails…
Our democracy is much more frail than Biden | Will Bunch Plus, how billionaire corruption led to a shocking Supreme Court ruling.
Biden sarcastically reminding George of the polls that were indicating a “Red Wave” during 2020 is really the only test result you need to see.
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Also not everything is "dementia." A bad speaker getting worse and only being able to work like 6 hours a day isn't necessarily dementia. It's being old as hell and losing a step, which is maybe reason enough to dump him, but it's not necessarily dementia. Dementia is fucking brutal and specific.
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Last time biden won he beat an incumbent that had just sent everyone 1000 dollar checks with his name on them
Reposted byAvatar Max’s Dad
How can an incumbent president possibly overcome a 2 point deficit in July???
Again, I'd love you to explain how he wins from his current position. Trump's got his core group locked in, how do you get Biden over the hump? All these people saying he should step aside are gonna vote for him. How do you get the people who have been on the fence this whole time?
Hey look it’s Tim Ryan who wants to circumvent the votes of millions of Americans and make some play for the nomination at an open convention on MSNBC.
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Biden has been the most successful progressive president in half a century and the current “progressive” line is that he should immediately resign in disgrace at the insistence of the New York Times. Can you not see how this is an insane hysteria? How social media has completely broken you
Lost of accounts with double digit followers shitting on the Biden interview. Imagine that.
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Mark Warner is anti-union, anti-worker, and Joe Biden is the most pro-labor president since FDR. Dr. Jill Biden is a member of the NEA--Warner has bad political instincts because this is the most pro-union time among American voters. Warner needs to quit.
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Reposted byAvatar Max’s Dad
the Gaiman allegations are incredibly disappointing and I am so tired of famous men using their power and status to exploit young women like this
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i really am going to be logged off for the holiday but i would like to drop off a parting thought: publishing a monarchist anti-voting take on the fourth of july is the strongest possible indication of someone's core, true values
“One guy is so fucking old, but the other guy staged a coup against the government - who should I vote for?” - Hans Stuttgart, Berlin, voting in the 1932 German Presidential Election
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We know we don't have much time left so we've been spending a lot of time with America for its last birthday. Plenty of hugs, taking pictures. My niece is in film school, and got the camera out and interviewed it about what it was like growing up, just trying to record memories while we have them.
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It's NOT so bad. We voted in President Biden and he proved to be a far better choice than anybody could have predicted. He is old but extremely competent, and he has an extremely well-qualified VP ready to step in any time should there be a need. This is a GOOD situation. We should stay in it.
As a group we really have to stop listening to people on this app with 25 followers and 18,000 posts. Me included.
He's eats like crap, he's had a life of excess, he's terribly overweight, and he most likely has high blood pressure, clogged arteries, and a myriad of other problems - as well as being in his late 70s. Is it the HATE that's keeping him alive?
Daily Biden press release: Today was yet another day where I, acting in my official capacity as POTUS, did not use the powers granted to me by SCOTUS to order DOJ to arrest Trump, Treasury to seize his assets, and USCIS to rescind Mrs. Trump's citizenship. Presidents should NOT have that power.
We are one election away from “The Handmaiden’s Tale” being a documentary.
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"The Court’s conservative majority has revealed itself to be the most direct threat to American democracy, and any Democrat who is not ready to shelve old fears about “court packing” and get serious about expanding and reforming the Court isn’t made for this moment, period."
A24's premise that California and Texas could be allied in a new US Civil War is possible if you imagine a SCOTUS ruling that grants POTUS extreme, king-like powers & POTUS uses them mercurially & arbitrarily, cheered on by a team of sycophants & clout chasers. Meh, that would never happen.
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March 23 1933, the Enabling Act becomes law in Germany, giving the chief executive power enforce his own laws without checks and balances. The passing of the Act marked the formal transition from democratic republic to totalitarian dictatorship. 6 months later, it was a 1 party state.