
It’s maddening to see skepticism of ejecting Biden treated like cultish loyalty. Some of us have been out here saying Biden’s too old for years. The problem is that what is being proposed is a shocking, almost unheard-of remedy, and every historic precedent tells us it’ll end in catastrophe.
It’s very, very clear that the loudest voices calling most excitedly for this remedy are not especially politically sophisticated or even worried about Biden losing - that’s why they didn’t freak for the months of lagging polls and why they’re doing nonsense fantasy-draft replacement picks.
Many people are feeding this frenzy because they love the drama or think it makes good TV or have hated Biden as a neolib sellout for years or have some score to settle, and thus haven’t even ATTEMPTED to step back and understand the larger context, or next step.
In other words the hysteria is being largely fed by reckless people whose objective isn’t beating Trump, but tanking Biden, and are thus being totally uncautious with their words, claims, and accusations. E.g., is Biden just old, or does he have dementia? Many people don’t seem to care, really.
It made sense to stick with the successful incumbent & avoid a contested primary. Made sense to believe that although inflation & bad vibes were hurting him, his coalition would re-coalesce in the face of the unacceptable alternative. Until it didn’t, bc of what was revealed abut his condition
Nothing was learned about his condition. He is old. He had a cold.
He was unintelligible. He was meandering. He was tangential. He routinely mixed up millions billions and trillions. He said “we crushed Medicare.” Sometimes his jaw was slack and his mouth ajar. And then he went into hiding for a week, coming out only to deliver brief teleprompter remarks.
He did a rally the next day and multiple radio interviews over the following days
He read off a teleprompter at the rally. He read off notes on the radio interview I listened to. He was not asked any real questions. He recited canned, scripted lines on the radio.
Ah yes, two things no other politicians do...
The history of the teleprompter: 1955-2008: fine 2009-2016: unforgivable 2017-2020: Mr. Big Boy read off a teleprompter all by himself! Today he truly became president! 2021-2024: clear sign of dementia