
The chance to replace Biden was the 2020 primaries. We didn't, so for the Dems to panic 3 weeks before their convention is uh. not great? probably bad. probably gonna have a fascist dictatorship in november bad. fucking geriatric consultant-brained idiots
TBH, I don't think the actual article really says much other than that the Bidens are having a weekend retreat that was planned before the debate, and they are likely to discuss the campaign, and the only person who could convince Biden to step down is Jill.
The passive voice kind of gives it away that the only people expecting Biden to discuss this are those who desperately want him to.
I am frankly utterly annoyed this is going to be The Horse Race Coverage until November, skipping Trump's endless scandals and literal felony sentencing to go straight to the BIDEN OLD well until the NY Times gets burned to the ground.
Democrats honestly need to just learn a little more shamelessness from Republicans. Hunker down, close ranks, support your guy, *mercilessly trash the other team at every opportunity*, and don't give up when you're either tied or narrowly behind in the swing states in fucking June.
I honestly feel like they'd rather have the Hillary experience of feeling confidently ahead for months *even though she lost* instead of being locked into this toss-up until November. The uncertainty is driving them mad.
it's giving me a goddamn ulcer. really not looking forward to fascism.