
Why is no one suggesting that Trump be pressed to drop out?
because he’s good for ratings and clicks, and republicans don’t eat their own
philly inquirer did, go birds
no they did a column calling on trump to drop out and implicitly calling the nyt clowns
i have no idea i’ve never read it beyond that story afaik
Because the republican party already decided what was more important, winning elections, or serving Trump, and they picked Trump. It would be really stupid to try to get the republican party to pressure Trump to drop out. Also, lowkey because the NYT knows that if Trump dropped out, the GOP would
win by 30 points, and they don't actually want the GOP to win.
because his family hates him?
Because he doesn’t give a shit about what’s best for the country.
I mean, I read the article and I don't think the established facts indicate that he's discussing dropping out with his family.
This strikes me as the media creating a story to fit their narrative
Yeah it’s complete bullshit given that even the article states it’s a family trip planned prior to the debate
And he's going to discuss the future of the campaign. Which, yeah, duh. That doesn't mean discussing dropping out
Not reading the article and also sure you’re right.
I guarantee he will It’ll go like this “Can you believe these assholes want me to drop out and expect us to find a new candidate four months before the election?”
I am genuinely baffled by the suggestion that we should replace Biden at this point. Everyone already knew he was an old guy who said dumb shit. Nothing about the debate revealed any hidden truth, yet we're supposed to believe that we need to replace him? Smells like astroturf to me.
Democrats had their first, real taste of what the rest of us knew for years: mumbling Joe has got to go
Is it because I haven't answered texts from Joe, Jill, Carville, Gavin, Kamala, Kenzinger, asking for money and saying all is well? Oh nooooo!
if something needs to be done inside the campaign so Trump is more likely to be defeated in November, hopefully it will be done soon. should be what everyone hopes for, whatever the outcome.
(Almost all outcomes where a Dem is being sworn in in January 2025 for four years are fine. Almost all pathways that get us there are fine. They just need to do the right one. I genuinely have no opinion about what that is.)
I’ll crawl over broken glass for whoever it is
he's too arrogant to step aside but lol none the less. I'm sure he'll do some cornball presser where his wife says he's super good and smart and he weirdly sticks his tongue in her ear or something
The chance to replace Biden was the 2020 primaries. We didn't, so for the Dems to panic 3 weeks before their convention is uh. not great? probably bad. probably gonna have a fascist dictatorship in november bad. fucking geriatric consultant-brained idiots
TBH, I don't think the actual article really says much other than that the Bidens are having a weekend retreat that was planned before the debate, and they are likely to discuss the campaign, and the only person who could convince Biden to step down is Jill.
The passive voice kind of gives it away that the only people expecting Biden to discuss this are those who desperately want him to.
I am frankly utterly annoyed this is going to be The Horse Race Coverage until November, skipping Trump's endless scandals and literal felony sentencing to go straight to the BIDEN OLD well until the NY Times gets burned to the ground.
Democrats honestly need to just learn a little more shamelessness from Republicans. Hunker down, close ranks, support your guy, *mercilessly trash the other team at every opportunity*, and don't give up when you're either tied or narrowly behind in the swing states in fucking June.
I honestly feel like they'd rather have the Hillary experience of feeling confidently ahead for months *even though she lost* instead of being locked into this toss-up until November. The uncertainty is driving them mad.
Convention is 3rd week in August, no?
considering it was until thursday a formality, i didn't really care. but august, july, june - you don't replace your party's nominee, the literal fucking incumbent, a few months before the election. And these people don't know WHO to replace him with! Just "Generic Democrat #42" who doesn't exist!
Peter Baker has a list of the 'obvious names,' but I won't click on that shit.
Yeah none of the names can spin up a whole-ass campaign from nothing in 4 months with any chance of winning. I don't care who's on the list. The literal only option if Biden gives up is Harris, because she's the VICE PRESIDENT, but everyone's too racist/misogynistic to suggest such a thing.
Yeah. I guess my point is there's no need for this hair on fire stuff this weekend. There's time to see how the next week or two go. I do not trust all these 'anonymous' sources - who knows what their personal agendas are?
When sources are anonymous, there's no way to determine how reliable they are.
FWIW this probably isn't surprising, and doesn't on its own mean anything. He'd have to discuss it with those close to him because the temperature of the issue is so high. Find a way to reassure people, make a plan to fight back... or do something historic.