
I slakced off a little over the weekend by doing things that weren't writing, so time to get back to it! Back into the editing trenches we go... Anyone else trucking away this evening? #WritingCommunity #Booksky #Fantasy #Author
I just finished my first draft yesterday so I have to take a break 😣 the urge is strong to go back in and fix it.
Congrats on finishing the draft!! Huge effort I know the feeling of wanting to go back - I had exactly the same haha. Resist if you can, a break can't hurt
I'm at that stage where I'm 90% done a writing project and now I'm suddenly 'finding' all these activities that have nothing to to with writing. I keep distracting myself with mundane stuff when I know I just need to get my butt in a chair and do it.
Right there with you - my current distracting activity is posting to Bluesky (and apparently misspelling slacking) But hey, 90% is amazing going! Soon it'll be over and you can distract yourself with a new project
Sometimes you just need a break. It's ok to catch your breath. Get centered. So you can find your way. I try to do it when I can. A centered you, is a better you.