
“Several Republicans said opposing Zionism would qualify as antisemitism under the law. Some suggested that even holding a prolonged protest would constitute antisemitism. The bill was approved with a majority of Democrats joining Republicans.”
Being worse about fighting antisemitism antisemitically than Germany is definitely a choice
Incredible how much this misses the mark, if it's intended to actually reduce antisemitism.
It isn’t, it is however, designed to crush dissent, and most of the D caucus agreed
marcus j molinaro continues to be the absolute worst
Isn't it... interesting that the stuff that has strong bipartisan support these days falls under the category of "Protect us (The Important People); screw those beneath our concern"; well, and military spending (which probably falls under that category also)
After the UK government passed a law declaring that Rwanda is legally a "safe country" regardless of any evidence to the contrary I didn't think we'd get any other contenders for "most doublespeak law of 2024" this quarter, but here we are.
Aren't there Jewish students in most of those encampments? Who are threatened by this very law?
It's almost like it's not actually about protecting Jewish people...
They are considered "good Jews" by Trump and the Republican party. Which is as you guessed, anti-Semitic.
From tomorrow’s article: “The signage and chanting on college campuses isn't an expression of speech," Rep. Marcus J. Molinaro (R-N.Y.)
This is the ‘Stop Patrick, you’re scaring him’ meme about pop-tents.
I am far from a bright line 1A person, but this strikes me as entirely unconstitutional. Not to mention unenforceable. And I'm not a big fan of my elected officials cosplaying.
It is, it will get tied up in the courts, but all the while, any sort of speaking out against the genocide will still be quashed with prejudice.
The consequences of no federal funding are catastrophic enough that universities will take proactive measures. Like how the anti DEI law hadn’t even gone into effect in TX and UT went ahead and fired 40 people anyway. The existence will be enough of a deterrent and they know it.
More bad faith from republicans because democrats are once again suckers. Dems are just the biggest rubes on the planet
On the bright side, I learned that I really truly do trust my long-time representative in Brooklyn to understand nuance and ethics.
It was so nice to see Representative Jayapal speak out against this bill and condemn republicans for weaponizing anti-Semitism. She spoke on MSNBC last night.
The segment was with Alex Wagner who I find focuses mostly on Trump's court cases, but this was a very "GOP is over-reaching here with this bill."
I'm so angry, I will write more letters but it feels futile.
I am literally begging you to look at what the IHRA definition actually says and not what Republicans tell you it does. I mean, you don't seem like the sort of person to get your news from Fox on other occasions, why spoil your record now?
This is fucking infuriating.
Is the Senate going to pick it up? Sen. Schumer has spoken against Netanyahu and he should know this bill would probably consider that anti-Semitic. But maybe I have too much faith in people. 😔
relying on the senate to save them. everyone is jittery about votes (in their districts)
... ugh, too many ignorant people in Congress making stupid decisions with insufficient facts for seemingly devious self-serving reasons. #VOTEGOPOUT
Well, opposing Zionism is denying Jews the right to their homeland - something considered unassailable for the other peoples of the world. Substitute any other group for Jews and tell me such opposition isnt anti-thar-group.