
A phenomenon that galls me: *continues to spend time on a toxic, miserable social platform* *constantly screenshots example of the toxicity and misery* *brings screenshots over here because we were just dying to know how it was going*
*pulls rag from the sewer* sniffff eww! that's awful *walks around town* hey smell this. hey smell this. hey smell this
Seeing a lot of screenshots from Twitter recently so I again feel compelled to post this handy flowchart for BlueSky users.
YES. I left for a reason!
The only conclusion I can draw is that they enjoy it. Some people insist that they have to stay over there to 'monitor the right wing' and like... no, you really don't! And you definitely don't need to import that shit here! We aren't asking for it!
beyond being addicted to drama, a lot of those people tend to get a lot of engagement on twitter and are too scared of losing their follower counts to ever leave the site
They think that if they store a model of people in their heads, they can poke it like a voodoo doll and hurt them IRL.
They never post what I want from twitter- the really funny posts I miss because the UI is so bad now. Just cluttered w Nazis and bots
Along the lines of, “Eww it’s gross! Taste it!”
Twitter is the Malört of social media.
Same. I fear they are gonna ruin this for us. I sincerely want and need more positive social interactions.
Thank you for saying this. I especially do not want to see the ugly faces of MAGA cult members plotting to destroy our nation.
Social media, in general, is toxic. Also, humans are addicted to drama. Bluesky is relatively drama-free, so drama junkies need their fix in the form of screenshots, so they go back to X for their fix.
I can't help but be fascinated by the AI hallucinations of FB. But, we don't need to drag the rubbish hither and dither, it's like setting up a half melted maga flag in a pretty garden and screaming "look at this fucked up flag!" Unless you are Ms. Alito, that seems a waste.
If I wanted to be over there, I would be. I'm here for a reason.
Regrettably, I signed up again a week ago so that I could watch the UKs far right explode and enjoy the ushering in of a new, hopefully sensible and grown up UK politics. My pleasure was short lived and I binned my account. By every week Twitter gets worse and Musk is a big part of that rot.
Thanks for providing key test data, as I was considering the same.
Yep. Twitter is just a place for ugly shouting now. No thanks.
It's definitely revealing. Seems akin to masochism, or would it be sadism?
If only there were some way to combine the two...
It's why we glance at the traffic accident in the opposite carriageway and tell our family about the horror. ...while also bemoaning those rubberneckers.
I like the mute button, They can keep their drama fueled existence away from me.
My standard practice is to immediately mute anyone who posts screenshots of awful shit from Twitter. For a while this was an every day thing, but it's slowed down a lot lately
Yep If your house is on fire, your neighbours don’t want you running about with buckets of fire Throwing it onto other houses so the rest of the street can ‘Share the experience!’
And they all have the dumbest justification for still being on Twitter.
Yes!! My absolute least fav posts are "I just randomly* stopped by the Bad Site, let me show you some of the garbage I saw there." * = for the 10th time this week
Nope. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
right?! i left those platforms in order to not see that shit
i post ongoing about Gaza and Palestine bcz there is very little coverage on MSM, and very little here. i know some people dont want to see it, but BlueSky has a robust Mute&Block function so they can easily opt out. much off what i do post about Palestine recirculates fast, so there is demand...
Tbh I'm tempted to start muting "Twitter" and "Bird site" to ensure that I'm very unlikely to feed it information.
Is like . We don't want to be in the burning house, but since used to live there we gotta watch it burn. ...and assist people we notice that need to get out and go someplace safer.
In the words of Ray Smuckles, "I see you been out picking up trash! Why you bringing it here?!"
I post funny stuff from Twitter sometimes that’s like silly teehee but then I remember
I’m here and not there for a damn reason.
I mean I'm banned from it and would love to still shit all over people there but I have to live vicariously through other people doing it so I appreciate the drama shipping
Blocking Zionists has been my happiest activity there lately. And trying to educate those who retain enough humanity to be swayed into seeing genocide and turning against it. I don't need to drop that shit on y'all. There's not much my broke crippled ass can do and dropping knowledge is something.
You find it fun to block people? Why? It's just leaving a conversation. What is there to be proud of?
There is no conversation to be had with paid propagandists. They're easy to spot. But any real person who engages in good faith will get the respect due.
Obviously, but why be proud of it? Why act like you're doing anything? You're pushing a couple robots off the factory line, what does it all accomplish?
It accomplishes me not having to see genocide apologia on my time line. I'm already sick in my heart over this slaughter. I've only really learned the history and started see it through that lens for 30 years. The current occupation started the year I was born.
Seems to me like the much easier solution would be to delete your account. You're trying to fix a burst dam by putting your finger in it.
Great observation! Also: the misinformers, rediculers, insulters and other tools have come here in herds lately.
There's enough toxic nonsense here anyway. No need to point the firehose this direction.
I wouldn't be surprised if most of those "people" doing it are actually bots.