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For folks who've appreciated my coverage of the French elections... is quite different—but we cover US politics with such attention to detail. So give us a follow if you've enjoyed this, and care about the US. And our newsletter is free!
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Bolts is akin to Last Week Tonight: a much deeper dive on important issues than you're likely to get most anywhere else. Like, they have a guide to judicial elections. This is important stuff that gets skipped over by way too many outlets.
For folks who've appreciated my coverage of the French elections... is quite different—but we cover US politics with such attention to detail. So give us a follow if you've enjoyed this, and care about the US. And our newsletter is free!
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"And the cause of liberal democracy in Europe, which did NOT die..."
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Yet again, we see the loudest yelps of “1776 BAYBEE!!!” from Christian Patriots who don’t know the first fucking thing about the history of the country over which they claim to have exclusive ownership. 2 out of 8 ain’t bad, I guess.
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Congrats to the French left and center for overcoming the collective action problem + keeping the far right out of power. Macron (never a fave of mine) lost his wits and gambled in a spectacularly foolish way, both with respect to his own party’s future and his country’s future.
The 2nd leading pollster projects a similar result—if anything a higher range for the Left coalition. This wld be a much stronger result than expected for the Macron bloc. If confirmed, key takeaway: Left & Macronist voters transferred onto each other much more than expected. Clear anti-RN front.
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25-30 years after world war ii--long after mussolini had been defeated--powerful elements of the elected Italian democratic government worked in secret to support neo-fascist efforts to manufacture civil war, in order to launch a fascist revivalist auto-coup many people died in resulting terrorism
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This Sunday, I’d just like to remind everyone that it’s perfectly valid to not think Jesus was a great moral teacher. In fact it’s perfectly valid to find him a manipulative, distasteful, and unlikable literary character
Let's Face it, Some of Jesus's Teachings are Breaking the Taboo on Exposing the Dark Side of the Gospels
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also any process you can dream up for a contested convention will be subsumed by conversations in the background to pick a winner anyway (and that winner will be Harris).
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"It is important to not simply roll over and play dead" in the face of SCOTUS's "astonishing" immunity opinion, says Laurence Tribe. He lays out some of the ways this decision can be reigned in — as well as how the Court can repair its reputation. #Velshi
Tribe: We cannot ‘roll over and play dead’ in face of ‘astonishing’ immunity Harvard Law School Constitutional Law Professor Laurence Tribe speaks to MSNBC's Ali Velshi about concrete steps Americans can take to push back against the Supreme Court decision granting Donald Trum...
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The original Elder Scrolls game, Arena, was not originally an open-world adventure, instead more of a story-based combat game. Bethesda devs actually used scale models to create some of the game's scenes! Seen in the second picture.
FALSE ALARM! The NYT did not in fact deactivate due to being bullied.
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“Seems like terrorism” feels like it would be delivered like “I can’t believe it’s not butter!”
Damn. I don't like the shitty editorials at the NYT either but I don't want them to delete their account. I want to be able to read the news articles that they publish and link here and see the discussions around them.
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France was awaiting the results of a runoff parliamentary election on Sunday that drew high voter turnout and was likely to bring major change to the nation’s political landscape while weakening the centrist President Emmanuel Macron. Follow live updates.
Live Updates: France Votes in Election That Could Bring Far Right Closer to The far-right National Rally drew the most support in the first round of voting. In Sunday’s final round, it hopes to win a majority in the powerful lower house of Parliament.
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“It feels like living in a furnace.” Karachi, Pakistan’s largest city, has endured days of temperatures above 100 Fahrenheit, made worse by power cuts and high humidity. It's a brutal reminder of the deadly toll of climate change in a part of the world especially vulnerable to its effects.
Pakistan Withers Under Deadly Heat and Fears the Coming Karachi, Pakistan’s largest city, endured days of temperatures above 100 Fahrenheit, made worse by power cuts and high humidity.
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The governors of a dozen Republican-led states — AL, AK, FL, GA, IA, MS, OK, SC, SD, TX, UT, WY — opted out of a new federal food assistance program, leaving about 9.5 million students without the aid this summer
Republican-led states are blocking summer food benefits for hungry Money for food is especially tight for families in a dozen states where Republican lawmakers declined to accept federal food assistance.
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I mean when you get to "Trump isn't associated with Project 2025, just with Stephen Miller" we're really splitting hairs here. Stephen Miller is an extremely known quantity and what we know about him is pretty much just as bad as anything I've seen about 2025
Stephen Miller now following Trump's lead and saying he has nothing to do with Project 2025. 1. His organization is on the Project 2025 advisory board. 2. He recorded a video as part of Project 2025 training tools 3. You can see Mandate for Leadership, the Project 2025 publication in the background
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Golden age for south-east Asian cinema as local films break box office records - As Hollywood grapples with production delays, locally made films are boosting the industry in countries such as Thailand and Indonesia.
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It's a low bar, but it must be cleared. Every nation should impose sanctions against violent settlers.
Mounting international sanctions against Israeli settler group could be ***
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more GameBoy Camera art from the Louvre: “Liberty Leading The People” by Eugène Delacroix
a series of glitch art versions of famous works, photographed in the Louvre with a GameBoy Camera. will be posting one of these a day for the next few days. first, The Death Of Marat by Jacques-Louis David
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In the town Where I was born Lived a man Who sailed to sea
God DAMNIT Instagram stop trying to sell me a ceramic chicken dick!
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I honestly don't know what trading out Biden for Harris would do w/re to the outcome of the election, but I do know the GOP would go way overboard on the overt racism/sexism because the constraints that would have stopped that were pushed out by Trump.
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Researchers at the Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics have developed surveillance tech that uses WiFi to locate persons indoors within 20 feet. Their phones/smart-watches apparently don't even need to be on the WiFi network.