The Green Garret

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The Green Garret

a garret is a small habitable attic and also my name | social ecology, mathematician & physicist, free software advocate | past: GreenPartyUS steering co-chair '21-23 | Posts my own
The International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel has engaged in "systematic discrimination, segregation, and apartheid" in its occupation of Palestine -- and owes reparations to all Palestinians! The US must stop funding apartheid and genocide! Cease fire now!
The International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel has engaged in "systematic discrimination, segregation, and apartheid" in its occupation of Palestine -- and owes reparations to all Palestinians! The US must stop funding apartheid and genocide! Cease fire now!
The International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel has engaged in "systematic discrimination, segregation, and apartheid" in its occupation of Palestine -- and owes reparations to all Palestinians! The US must stop funding apartheid and genocide! Cease fire now!
The International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel has engaged in "systematic discrimination, segregation, and apartheid" in its occupation of Palestine. The US must stop funding apartheid and genocide! Cease fire now!
The International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel has engaged in "systematic discrimination, segregation, and apartheid" in its occupation of Palestine. The US must stop funding apartheid and genocide! Cease fire now!
Congress should dis-invite Netanyahu from speaking especially in light of the International Court of Justice opinion which finds that Israel has engaged in apartheid and the occupation must end.
Live in Pittsburgh? Help get a new home rule charter amendment that would divest the city from Israel until genocide & apartheid end! Sign the petition & sign up to volunteer to collect signatures to put it on the ballot this November! #CeaseFireNOW
This is a threat from the Heritage Foundation against all of us. They expect "blood" unless everyone allows them to remake government in their own design. That's not how democracy works. Take these threats seriously. Demand action and accountability.
mutual aid is about politicized survival. lots of people leave out the POLITICIZED part and that's a problem cuz without that part it's not mutual aid.
Breaking: In a French election upset, left-wing parties (Nouveau Front Populaire) are projected to win the most Assemblée Nationale seats. The far-right Rassemblement National came in third. Without a clear majority coalition negotiations are expected. (Source: Le Monde)
Biden is funding abuse and torture. Halt military funding, cease fire NOW!
Basically how I feel about the Dems that are now turning on Biden. Halt military funding, cease fire NOW!
Do the Democratic elite believe that 45 is an existential threat? If they actually do, what would you expect to see right now? Are you seeing that?
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
A Veteran who is also the son of a Holocaust survivor was thrown out of a Biden rally simply for wearing a shirt calling for cease fire. Impeach Biden and remove him from office for his support of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Halt military funding and cease fire now!
Nearly 2 million people have been displaced with homes & infrastructure including roads, hospitals, and schools destroyed. Funded by Biden and Congress, while they tell us there's no money to end poverty. Halt military funding, CEASE FIRE NOW!
Israel Has Forcibly Displaced 1.9 Million Palestinians in Israel’s assault has displaced over 1 million people just since May, a UN human rights official said.
the purpose of a system is not what IT SAYS IT DOES or what you want it to do but what it actually does.
Israeli newspaper Haaretz reports on top officials specifically trying to "thwart" a Palestinian state while officials including Netanyahu are "instituting apartheid". This is the reality being funded by Biden & Congress. Demand a halt to weapons shipments and a cease fire NOW!
We got tricked by science fiction into thinking a futuristic city is all about flying cars and crystal towers and hologram billboards but what it really looks like is nice apartment blocks, good mass transit, pedestrian zones with shade trees and safe bike lanes.
As extreme heat is expected to continue next week, keep in mind that some medications & conditions might make you more vulnerable to heat! We have to take care of each other because gov has largely abandoned us -- have you seen any officials or agencies sharing info like this?
Netanyahu should be arrested under US and international law for war crimes and crimes against humanity, rather than welcomed to Congress for a speech. Speak out and demand Netanyahu's arrest! Cease fire NOW, stop funding genocide!
Governor Shapiro & state legislators Santasiero & Phillips-Hill are pushing for a bill to withhold public funds from any university that divests from the genocide in Palestine. This is unacceptable. Call & email and demand the bill be withdrawn! Article:
#ShameOnShapiro for supporting this bill that would punish schools for divesting from funding genocide. Tell Governor Shapiro and PA legislators that you strongly oppose this bill and expect them to drop their support and demand a cease fire NOW! Article:
#ShameOnShapiro for supporting this bill that would punish schools for divesting from funding genocide. Tell Governor Shapiro and PA legislators that you strongly oppose this bill and expect them to drop their support and demand a cease fire NOW! Article:
Colleges that divest from Israel would be punished under new Pa. Pennsylvania colleges and universities that boycott or divest from Israel for political reasons would be cut off from state funding under a new bill.