
Do the Democratic elite believe that 45 is an existential threat? If they actually do, what would you expect to see right now? Are you seeing that?
Would absolutely like to see and hear a unified message and policy on court expansion or reform,protecting unhoused Americans from the wrath that is coming ,same with workers' rights.Anything besides"he's not the other guy."We still need to know what their plan is and doesn't look like there's one
Biden has once against said he doesn't support court reform. The Dems had a chance this election to completely change the future with someone young & dynamic. So sick of selfish politicians who think they are the only ones who matter.
Very much an RBG-level own goal on the horizon again.
Sad but true - she destroyed her own legacy in the eyes of many. I have to say that Coney Barret does surprise me from time to time - will never forgive her for Dobbs tho'. Many in congress are the same - will die in office.
*megaphone squelch* "they like it. they're on board"
They don't act like it, they won't move past "norms," won't consider the possibility things are so dire they may have to risk replacing Biden, and rank and file liberals on here still insist there's no obligation to even try to entice voters who aren't already on board with the Dems.
I mean, yeah, that is what I expect from the Democratic elite, because I think the Democratic elite have no concept of how to fight back. They've hewed too close to respect for institutions, they've hippie-punched too many radical protestors. They're probably scared but they're also incompetent.
Not to THEM. The fascist takeover is totes fine if you got a bulletproof escalade taking you from work back to the Green Zone. You make your money, and the riffraff are off your lawn.
scratching my head abt this the last 20+ yrs, - they didn't see it coming dot dot dot because they couldn't conceive of the rw actually doing it. Dem elite hv lived in an insulated world *for decades*.- it's all House of Lords comity for them. They missed every sign along the way until yesterday
I'm not sure yesterday got through to most of them. They're going to be surprised if Trump wins; they'll fret about which ones should symbolically not show up to the second inauguration. Then they'll be shocked at what happens next. Maybe it will sink in at their trials.
Obama tried to be a bipartisan president and the Reich Wing took every advantage it could from that Foolishly, Joe tried to do the same thing with the same results. I’m afraid he’s not up to the task of defending our country, due to his complicit bias towards republicans & him being old & burnt
I’ll hold my nose and vote for Genocide Joe like I did last time, I will continue to work for voting reform (do away with the electoral college & adopt mail in & rank choice voting) I will also continue to criticize the Dems lackluster ability to counter the GOP narrative & control
I think they see the proletariat as a bigger threat.
This is the maddening thing tho... Every communication I get from them is like "WE NEED HELP YESTERDAY TO SAVE AMERICA FROM THE CRUSHING TIDE OF FASCISM" but then around the fascists they're like "Excuse me, decorum please. This is neither the time or the place to actually make a stand" 😒😒😒 So, no.
Feel like this has been the key political question of the last eight years
The Democratic Party Battle Flag.
"We're on the brink of losing our Democracy! Which is why the Democratic Party stands united in... *checks notes* ...doing the exact same thing we did which led us here."
They’re still trying to figure out what they can legally do
As of yesterday, “everything.”
They SC just gave them massive amount of power, and that they can’t immediately turn around and use it is a massive indictment on them
It’s irrational to expect rationality from irrational people. And they continually do things that harm themselves.
idk, i'd expect seal team 6 to be pretty covert so whether or not i can see them seems like an unfair metric.
Either they are incompetent, in on it, or the threat is overstated. I think it's the first one but fear it's the second.
The game's afoot, and has been for decades. Democrats are the (not-very-secretly loyal) opposition
scotus just said pres could assassinate folks yeah? even if they prosecuted him, someone could definitely not win the election lmao but if they truly thought trump a threat, they could go all out on boons to bribe the voting public i'm talking ubi, student debt, free housing, the whole nine..
Not to them, only to the plebs
I don’t know if they’re capable of comprehending an existential threat. I think they believe he’s a threat to something but I have no idea how they gauge risk or what level of threat they’re perceiving.
it depends who you consider the elite. definitely pro-Democratic journos and pundits are freaking out
i don't think many of us can assume a mindset as bizarre and alien as whatever way the Democratic elite think. it is really hard to imagine their inner worlds
What I would expect to see is panic. And yeah, I see that.