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Yeah from twitter. Bird stuff, #worstbirdpic's, and carbs.
Finally something I care about on this website! C all the way. B in a pinch but I'll be grumpy. A is punishment. (Life tip: if you're a C, life-partner with an A. You might, like, slightly distrust them your entire life, ...but it's worth it.)
Reposted byAvatar TheIneptBirder
Reposted byAvatar TheIneptBirder
Worm-eating Warblers are notoriously a pain to photograph (there was one at a local park this weekend, only 4 people saw it out of 30 trying, 1 photo) so I can't whine one bit about any #WorstBirdPic material from the very cooperative one today. But that stick
Reposted byAvatar TheIneptBirder
This one is for you, I had this Northern Parula all lined up and in the open if I had just been a little bit faster! #WorstBirdPic
I have a strong bias towards warblers that lurk at- or below-eye-height (I hate craning my neck!), especially since I tore my bicep a few weeks ago so it's hard to steady my camera when it's pointed upwards I'll make an exception for my first Northern Parula of the year though
Do you like birds and also want to help with a neuroscience study? This takes 15 minutes. I love this project. (Check out their previous research, too!) Link to the online study: (Do it on a laptop/computer because it needs a physical keyboard.) #birds
Right? I wasn't originally going to drive the 30 miles to get to the path. I was gonna go up on the roof and just hang out and brag that I could watch it from home. But I read that 99.9% is far different from 100%, so I did it. So glad I did.
Yesss. Glad you had a good experience, too. I'm almost embarrassed by how much I was moved by it and have been thinking about it.
I’m having a hard time thinking of something that exceeded my expectations more than the eclipse yesterday. I was only just inside the full path, but wow. Anyway, predictably my best pic has a touch of ineptness.
Thank you, Ed Yong! This was lovely and meaningful. Welcome to the flock. #birds
I wrote a little essay about what birding has done for me in the very short time since I became a birder. Gift link:
Opinion | When I Became a Birder, Almost Everything Else Fell Into To find the birds, you have to know them.
I might have seen an unusual gull and been uncertain of my ID so I took 14 identical pictures. #birding (It turns out it was indeed an unusual-for-there Bonaparte’s Gull so who's the dummy now? Hmm, still probably me.) #birds
Flickers are always smiling because they choose to live in the present. #science #birds (cc:
Warbler season is right around the corner, so it’s time to practice taking horrible warbler pics. Start with your over-wintering Yellow-rumped Warblers. (They’re tough and won’t have their feelings hurt.) I’m already in top form. #worstbirdpic
Spring is only just starting to show up but omg the birds are singing. Song Sparrows, blackbirds, many singers. What a great time of the year. #birding #birds
Lifer! I was about to give up on this species…just admit that it doesn’t want to be found and that’s ok…you be you, Northern Saw-whet Owl! But at the last second I saw it tucked up in a spruce tree. I’ve only had 4 lifers in 4 years, so this was fun. This is my best pic lol. #birds #worstbirdpic
Exactly! We should all get together and testify before Congress.
It took me years to see one. And I still find them really confusing. I don't post one (with an ID) before I run it by someone first.
I have the worst luck finding Merlins. Not only have I only ever seen like seven of them, I also tend to ID other things as them (young Sharp-shinned Hawks, broken tree branches, etc.). But yesterday I found #8! And what a cute lil murderer it was. #birds
Reposted byAvatar TheIneptBirder
Let's celebrate the bad and the blurry! Please bring out your best #WorstBirdPic! (Inspired by who coined the hashtag) #birds 🌿
Ok, I've been posting some of my best photos from 2023 but of course they don't all look like that! And honestly the failed photos entertain me as much as the good ones. So here is my favorite #WorstBirdPic of 2023
Hey I am! Thx for finding me! I'll be much more active in 2024, honest!
Christmas photo dump: the pelicans of Oklahoma City
It was a dark and stormy…Christmas Bird Count. But we were happy to do some urban birding in our ‘hood and enjoy a fairly balmy 4-mile walk. The bird of the day was probably a Fox Sparrow (trust me!), which we’ve NEVER seen here. Now for coffee and blankets and chocolates.
Happy decolonized Thanksgiving, everyone! I’m grateful for lots of things but especially ducks. Every year we go out on this morning and hope to see mergansers. Saw at least 50! Also saw a lovely murder bird.
What a beautiful bird probably!
Here's one for The equivalent of a Glamour don't bar for Canada geese.