Johnny K

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Johnny K

A reliable source of clean burning lamp oil. On the run from whalers. Rinzai Zen Buddhist AnCom. MDiv. Birds are Dinosaurs. Collie protector. Piedmont Triad boy til the end, for better or worse.

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*whispers* John Lennon would have been a Trump supporter if he had lived
The gulf between one life and the next brings only sorrow and pain.
I wish life was just the first level of Ecco the Dolphin where you're just swimming around with your pals seeing who can jump the furthest out of the water.
I just removed from my right ear an amount of earwax about an inch and a half long and half an inch thick. #TheMoreYouNeverWantedToKnow
The eternal dilemma between "having a quiet evening at home" and "making a series of escalating, incredibly stupid choices."
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Have the Harpers Letter signatories weighed in yet?
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The Orwellian idea of an "Antisemitism Awareness Act" to support the genocidal policies of the Israeli government is so grotesque that of course it passed the House. Brought to you by the same deadly partnership btw Evangelicals, the Zionist lobby, & the Dem/Repub parties that funds the genocide.
If the moral arc of the universe actually bent toward justice Slavoj Zizek would have been eaten by a pack of otherwise super adorable and friendly wolves by now.
I'm officially at war with a local wellness practitioner.
Went into Alex Garland's Civil War with a lot of skepticism. Came out blown the fuck away. Phenomenal film.
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The folks at asked me to review Jonathan Haidt's new book and I had some thoughts. The bad cherry-picked data is a problem. But the terribly confused and ignorant policy suggestions are way worse, and way more dangerous
Brilliant review of Haidt's book and moral entrepreneurship by, who brings, as ever, reason & receipts. "Kids and mental health is a very complex issue, and Haidt’s solution appears to be, in the words of H.L. Mencken: clear, simple, and wrong."
The Coddling of the American Jonathan Haidt’s new book “The Anxious Generation” blames youth mental health issues on social media in a way that’s easy, wrong, and dangerous.
Every three months a person is torn to pieces by a crocodile in North Queensland.
me [on my deathbed]: but who will reticulate the splines when I am gone?
an extrovert is mad at me for having a ton of mutual friends even though I'm a reclusive zen vagrant things are kinda swell atm, ngl
Sometimes I think about the older Southie woman the press interviewed the day Whitey Bulger got arrested and when asked what she thought about his life of crime replied "Everybody needs an occupation." One of the few things that makes me miss my misbegotten early 20s in Boston.
Ni No Kuni 2 is a cute and good action rpg that is very much helping me think better about the world and others while also checking out from the world and others as is sometimes necessary. The Joe Hisaishi score elevates an admittedly casual experience with a plot that knows not to try too hard.
Nostalgia sucks. All it does is create false memories that wind up getting people killed.
There's a certain type of dude who completely loses their shit when you say something like "I'm glad you're not my dad" and I would be lying if I said I didn't love saying this to those dudes.
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A community note for the ages
Disquieting the Protestants this St. Patrick's Day by interrupting a local Presbyterian church's service with "Come Out Ye Black and Tans"
I have no idea why, but I just had a tremendous urge to build a time machine to go back in time and fist fight Isaac Newton.
we gotta get nostalgia in the DSM
Gonna go vote "No Preference" for prez in the NC Dem Primary real quick.
I just can't quit Irish rebel music.
From "Zen Master Raven" by Robert Aitken Roshi
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Fun reminder time! The reason a lot of major corporations in America have profits is due to prison slave labor.
Sometimes when I'm at risk of experiencing nostalgia (which I try to avoid) I remind myself that I don't necessarily miss the good old days so much as I miss the experience of time seeming to pass by more slowly.