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Retired Naval Reserve officer. Antifa. Socialist. #DisbandNATO
Working towards "fully automated, luxury, gay space communism."
Reposted byAvatar Aristophon
Someone in San Antonio, TX reached out to me today because she has a sweet, magical boy with FIV who desperately needs a home ASAP. In fact, he's so sweet that his name is Sweet Boy. Look at that face - he obviously just wants love! 💔 (continued with more info)
Reposted byAvatar Aristophon
Here are the cats helping me ruin the nation.
Reposted byAvatar Aristophon
These copycat incidents are getting out of hand:
Reposted byAvatar Aristophon
Sharing this because how many times can this family be displaced? They’re in Khan Younis which is just not safe after the Israeli massacre two days ago. Please contribute 🙏🏽
Fidaa has sent me another video and I told her I would post it on her behalf, she says the date and states my name directly to further verify she and her family. Here is the link to the GFM:
Fidaa has sent me another video which addresses me specifically. Please give to her campaign ❤️☪️
"Would your 14 year old self be proud of you?" I don't be seeking the approval of virgins who spend all their money on Magic cards so I have no idea
Reaping what you helped sow:
Reposted byAvatar Aristophon
Imagine a political movement that synthesizes: • pro-Palestinian • Occupy Wall Street • BLM, anti-racism • anti-police sentiment • anti-Iraq War • pro-public health • opposed to undemocratic trade agreements • skeptical/hostile to Western capital dominating the world • pro-accountability
quit trying to get me to vote for trump, it's not gonna happen
Reposted byAvatar Aristophon
Reposted byAvatar Aristophon
Watch this video and please contribute to helping Mona. That constant mechanical noise you hear in the background are the drones all over Gaza. Her kid needs help. Israel doesn’t let in pain meds, and has directly engineered the collapse of the medical system.
This is Mona's new account because moderation labeled her original one spam. I have been speaking with her on telegram and she made me this video and gave me permission to share with you. GFM is here:
Mona has shared this with me personally to share with you all. Please contribute ❤️
Reposted byAvatar Aristophon
Republicans Friday: We want to take the country back to the 1960s! Republicans Saturday: Not like that!
Reposted byAvatar Aristophon
The silver lining is the assassination attempt could open the door to ending the system established with an assassination, in 1963.
Reposted byAvatar Aristophon
"THeRe iS aBsOlUteLy nO pLaCe fOr pOLitIcAl vIoLeNce iN oUr dEmOcRaCy."
Reposted byAvatar Aristophon
Who knew? Training time with an AR at the crowded local Walmart does not equal development of precision accuracy.
Reposted byAvatar Aristophon
Reminder that the original boycott was explicitly choosing a new option: instead of simply killing the shitty landlord, not doing business with him. Boycotts work, historically, not because of the threat of economic loss but the implication that the other option can still be chosen.
Reposted byAvatar Aristophon
The rich don't boycott each other, the poor are the ones who do it. Because it's symbolic. "Here we all are, collectively organizing against you instead of just setting your mansion on fire. This is us, being gracious."
Reposted byAvatar Aristophon
Honestly one of the most emotionally fulfilling things is learning a second language regardless of whether you know you're gonna need it. E.g. tonight, had I not learned Spanish, a tiny dog would be at a shelter and an old woman would be without her companion animal. Shit matters.
Saddle up, all fully human people. This sums it all up correctly. If I, an old, CIS white male can see this, you can too.
Trans rights matter more than cis feelings, there is absolutely no room for cowardice here. RIDE OR DIE. Anything less means you are part of the problem. And if you are: *YOU* CAN CHANGE THAT.
Reposted byAvatar Aristophon
No. To remove DeJoy requires a majority vote of the Board of Governance to remove him. However—only 7 of the 9 seats are filled. Biden filled 5 of those 7 appointments, and the remaining two have been UNFILLED since December. How dare you not consider his feelings before mentioning this failure!
Did Biden ever get rid of DeJoy?
Reposted byAvatar Aristophon
🍵😏 seems like,, 🤌🏽
My working theory for why criticism for working at the NYT is considered so shocking, is that every liberal dweeb considers themselves a temporarily embarrassed future NYT columnist.
Reposted byAvatar Aristophon
Reading Bevins’s “If We Burn” lately and it’s astonishing the bizarre lawfare parallels, temporarily effective, deployed against Lula in Brazil after 2013 and what US libs tried, seemingly ineffectively, to do to Trump instead of just D’s winning in a landslide by passing publicly popular policy.
Ah! Pop culture for kids in 1950's America!
Reposted byAvatar Aristophon
No lie detected:
"Secretary of State Antony Blinken has all the sympathy for the human rights of Palestinians that Henry Kissinger had for those of the Cambodians, East Timorese or the Chileans."
Reposted byAvatar Aristophon
Reposted byAvatar Aristophon
This is the absolute ceiling of the sophistication of humor that I’m willing to process today
Reposted byAvatar Aristophon
Biden CAN’T quit. Not while there’s a living, breathing child in Gaza.