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I want to know
Ugh. We have an old white guy running for President who is “unfit” to campaign, but “fit” to be President, against an old white guy who is “fit” to campaign, but “unfit” to be President. What’s a voter to do?
Reposted byAvatar Steven
I kinda feel like now that the Supreme Court has declared it legal for a president to straight-up murder people they don't like, it's probably even more important to not elect people who seem extremely inclined to murder people they don't like
Avatar sorry to hear about your horrible cross-country trek, but I truly appreciate you for taking the time to carefully explain that hopelessness is not necessary. There are things each of us individually can do to make the future a better place. Thank you.
Avatar and Thanks for the great discussion about the Social Media Warning Label (you know, the SMWL, pronounced "small" for how small a step it is) on #Hardfork. I have to agree with Kevin on this one.
Me: hi honey, I’ve done my part! Now, if you could have this done by the morning… Her: …….
In honor of Michael Cohen day, post your #GLOAT. Mine is the Greatest Lasagne Of All Time (at least I hope so after baking). Spinach, mushrooms, endive, marinara, ricotta, eggs, mozzarella.
Reposted byAvatar Steven
I miss this little guy 🥹
Reposted byAvatar Steven
It’s my parents in their Kentucky Derby outfits they sent us a pic of. I’m making them bluesky famous.
Sometimes The Onion hits a little too close for comfort …
Avatar I’m horrible with photoshop, too, but if someone doesn’t post the meme with Mike Chase’s How to Become a Federal Criminal soon, …
Avatar I bet half your anime has a “nuxia” character!
Remembering the inimitable King Hu (Hu Jinquan) on his birthday, one of the most under-appreciated but influential #film directors of #wuxia. Thank you for wuxia iconography we now take for granted, and for creating the image of the nüxia (errant swordswoman) on screen.
“Thanks for having me” is really not a good response by a guest abortion expert after an interview on a news broadcast.
If you try to give me a bath, I will eat your leg as soon as you fall asleep.
I really should blanch and peel my tomatoes. But this seems like an excessively bourgeois thing to do, until I have a tomato and blue cheese salad. And spend the next two hours picking tomato skins out of my teeth.
How is your Spidey irony sense today? 1 headline is OJ (infamous white Bronco slow speed chase) died. Another is Iran attacks Israel (with slow speed drones).
Reposted byAvatar Steven
Here's what everyone needs to know* about climate change: 🌍 It's real 👥 It's human-caused ⚠️ It's serious 💡 With immediate action, it's solvable ⌛ Later is too late * social science shows these msgs increase acceptance of the issue, awareness of the risk and, most importantly, willingness to act.
Avatar when I am struggling for a Make Me Smile, I go to . Day made brighter immediately!
file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/566CA830-7E3F-425D-A850-A29E7830A700/tmp/ead56843-4e49-4fcb-9608-8c22f49a3342.png Or gin is the devil.
Still bat shit crazy, but not as orange.
Trump is looking more human and less … Oompah Loompah. Is it just me?
Avatar serious question: you travel a lot. What do you do with your animals while you are gone?
Reposted byAvatar Steven
to a dog today is leap week
Reposted byAvatar Steven
I think the BlueSkyverse would make for a good space teapot
alright here she is: Aurora, a map of every account on BlueSky.
Reposted byAvatar Steven
goooood morning it is cool and dark but not that bad really - so I’ll get a hoodie and we’ll hit the trail, because there’s no time to waste when Dogs Want Walks
“What poster was on your wall as a teenager?” J. Cauty LOTR.
Reposted byAvatar Steven
Since lots of my twitter mutuals have moved here, I thought I’d share the website and presale info for my forthcoming book, #Blacksound Feel free to share widely! 🖤
Blacksound Official Presale: 2.26.24 Official Publish Date: 3.26.24
Have Spacesuit, Will Travel? It’s a Jungle Out There?