
Once again: The actual POTUS doesn't do a lot. Who they (*groans* he) tap(s) for key staff jobs, however, is critical and winds up having a profound impact on policy and the running of this joint. The amount things don't fall apart matters. Project 2025 REALLY SOFA KING MATTERS, friends
I want to be clear that I'm not some huge Biden stan. He has been far better than I expected, but I don't ultimately care that much which Dem is in the White House in 2025, just so long as it's a Dem
Yes, I have a LOT OF BEEF with Biden. So much beef. and There is no version of the story that involves Republicans gaining more control of our government now that ends well. Not a single one. Come on. We know this. The answer is: Voting can't be the END of our fight for change. Ever.
If you think that voting doesn't matter, you're naive and reckless. If you think the work stops with voting, you're ignorant about how much our horrific systems and structures continue to harm under every presidency. The work encompasses and surpasses voting. We have big, big work to do.
Hahaha I posted this to ig and the people arguing with it appear to be in Quebec and Tanzania, respectively. People’s audacity: unmitigated since forever
Yes but it is better and for that i am grateful
Were they leftists too by any chance?
Yup. Nothing ever got better because we sat at home to “send a message.”
People sat home in 1984 and 1988 and the democratic response was a corporate friendly New Democrat agenda that kept going until probably 2006 at least. Whole generation was fed bullshit based on people staying home.
Exactly. If you are a leftist and stay home, the Democratic Party is going to figure that you (i.e. leftists in general) are not reliable voters and instead move center-right looking for votes. Vote every time. Then spend all of your other days organizing to move the Overton window to the left.
This is perfectly right, and I think we in France are exactly in this spot right now: - we voted, and it mattered, surprisingly more than I thought it would - the work doesn't stop, as all we have gained could be lost every day Thanks for stating all this again.
Also, there are some deeply problematic people who were elected, even on the left side, and this needs to be addressed very soon.
What gets me is there is no good outcome for this election. I'm backing dems 100% up and down the ballot, but with GOP talking heads saying we're 'already in a civil war' and it will only stay bloodless if they win sends me reeling. Add project 2025 and i'm packing a bug out bag.
Right. So: vote Dem and know that's the "the bar is in the basement" harm reduction and know that's the beginning, not the end of the work.
From my childhood I knew the maxim: "The perfect is the enemy of the good." I feel like many people of good intent on the left refuse to accept this.
My response is that the candidates are so far from good that perfection is a laughable idea. When the best thing I can say about Biden is that he won’t have me and my partner killed, that is a bar so low it’s in hell.
I consider my mitzvot to be love my neighbor as myself, and be patient, kind, and forgiving. My vote is the most I can do right now, while living in a very red state. I can't help but feel voiceless. I can't explain to the people in my community that "harm reduction" is voting dem.
Yeah. Voting rn is a backstop to forestall the worst. Other work is needed for better things.
I think this election even more than the previous ones is a good highlight of the real solutions not being at the ballot box. Biden, by many standards, is not someone I want to be president, but given the options he is de facto the best option available that has any chance of winning.
Make that his 2024 Campaign Slogan: the best choice by default.
But like you said, voting for Biden isn't the solution, it's the springboard to the real work which has to be done out in the streets and not at the ballot box. And hopefully people will start to catch onto that.
I and everyone I know will “vote Blue no matter who “. I’ve never before been in the position of not knowing what news sources to trust or not trust, but this time it’s simply clear that any real Dem gets my vote (no Jill Stein or Tulsi Gabbard types, thank you)
But that slogan - voting has never and will never be enough
Not sufficient but necessary. Nothing progressives want to accomplish can happen if Dems don’t win.
It's such a US way of thinking to approach the presidency as an individual rather than a team effort. You may not love the team or the captain but you vote for the team that is CLOSER to what you want and in this case the one that doesn't intend to implement fascism.
Here in the UK we get a lot of Issues from whoever ends up as President , under Trump things became really bad here. Americans need to realise who they elect often affects more countries than just their own too, like it or lump it people ; America is a Global Super Power controlling MANY places.
People are replaceable but ideology is dangerously difficult to recover.
Harry Truman said of his job, "All the president is, is a glorified public relations man who spends his time flattering, kissing, and kicking people to get them to do what they are supposed to do anyway."
An executive who passively rubber stamps his party's agenda, and blocks the other party's agenda, is one of the best things you can hope for, really.
The best way I've heard it put is you're voting for what battlefield you have to fight on. Makes way more sense than "lesser evil".
In agreement... We need to fix the SCOTUS especially to stop any future SOFA KINGS.