
right now, the extent of what democrats can do is hounding and shame, which they should do! biden should condemn the insurrectionist members of the court, durbin and whitehouse should hold hearings and demand that alito and thomas both answer questions before congress. make it a spectacle, basically
alito is playing in our faces because he knows there’s nothing we can do about it and he has total contempt for the idea that he might be accountable for anything he does
Dems still have this "high road" mentality when dealing with the GOP, and that keeps getting them bowled over. Because you can't play nice with and try to win moral victories with fascists. They have no sense of shame, they do not care about hypocrisy, they care about power.
It doesn't help that to them in DC, this is just kayfabe. It's not real. It's just theatrics. Only a few in the party recognize the severity of things and recognize that acting above it all won't work this time.
But even if it’s just theatrics the Democrats have choices about what roles they want to play in the drama
Unfortunately the role most of them have chosen has been offbrand Aaron Sorkin characters, and that's why we're all doomed. Seriously, the world would have been so much better off without The West Wing.