
They’re already doing the birtherism again. Lol
If they do put Kamala Harris on the top of the ticket, I am prepared for a level of misogynoir unwitnessed since Rosa Parks sat down on that bus.
it's so scary. if Trump wins, first gens like me will be stripped of citizenship. ...and even if he doesn't win, 60% chance dems adopt this POV in the next 5 years
Come on. 0% chance dems adopt this.
I can’t put a % on it but there is a rising strain of anti-immigrant sentiment on the left. We would be foolish not to see it.
A huge part of it is the fact supposed lefty leaders are accepting the framing of the right on immigration rather than fiercely defending it as being an absolutely remarkable good that has made all of our lives better.
There is some of this, I agree. Leaders on the left can't be afraid of being labelled "open border" - the right will do that regardless. The more important thing is to emphasize how much immigration our country needs to succeed and grow, which is way higher than most Americans think.
People across the spectrum don't believe me when I say that baseline, we need to assume we bring in well over 1 million people a year. Capping immigration at like 100,000 would have disastrous implications on the economy, age demographics, Social Security, you name it.
We still haven't caught up from the Trump Covid years so there's a good policy argument to be made that our base immigration should be a couple of million a year or more. There's so much that supports this, but leaders on the left don't like talking about it, in general or in specifics.
I'm an immigrant, and I make this country stronger. A lot of Americans seem to have forgotten that this country is stronger and better with a lot of immigration as well as birthright citizenship. It's the combination that makes American exceptional (complimentary). We should remind them.
i have to think that removing birthright citizenship would make America vastly less attractive to immigrants, also
I mean it’s a terrible idea for lots of other reasons and also it’s incredibly unconstitutional. but this is a specific reason I think is important
Without birthright citizenship there wouldn’t be any citizens or am I missing something here?
This is the biggest opportunity for improvement in the party. I also get why it's considered toxic right now - looking at what's happening in very "progressive" EU democracies (altho fantastic news in UK and France this week). The problem is that it's not binary - we have to talk about levels.
And lots of other complex rules. My probably stupid take is that this is where story telling would help a lot. Politicians are generally not very effective at that (Reagan maybe being an irritating exception?). We need the press to profile refugees. We need films that tell immigrant stories.
Sure. 1 million is fine. To start.
A lot of people would rather the country fail
Who specifically are these leaders of the left, Ned?
But they don’t get rewarded for fiercely defending. We have to lay some of the blame with the electorate.