
I wish it was more widely discussed how diminished and confused he is. They’re trying to run a ben garrison cartoon version of him because the actual guy is just a mumbling wreck. The Republican ticket is basically the cry-laughing emoji and then whatever charmless sadist ends up taking the VP spot
Trump has reportedly floated the idea of replacing income taxes with tariffs. I’ll have to write this up in detail, but my first-pass estimate is that this would require an *average* tariff rate of 133 percent.
his brain is mush but optics rule the roost, 45 knows as long as you're talking at a clip you can say whatever bullshit and people will go "wow he must know what he's talking about, he never shuts up"
The Ben Shapiro Sophist Strategy.
Meanwhile, my brother thinks Biden’s senile because the press won’t stop talking about his age.
JD Vance, by the way. It's gonna be JD Vance because Trump needs Theil's money, and what a better way to ensure that then to have Theil's bought and paid for Senator on the ticket.
I mean not that I think these same rules apply anymore, but I get paul ryan 2012 vibes on nitro from that pick and I don't think it would do him any favors whatsoever
Feel that, but a Vance pick isn't necessarily about enticing the general pop during the general election. It would be a base pick, just like Pence was. And I still lean heavily on the reasoning for the Vance pick is because of his ties to Theil and Wall St for the money. Trump broke and needs funds.
It was true with second-term Reagan, and it worked for them anyway, but at least in that case they could count on the Republicans around him to be halfway competent in their wretchedness.
Dude literally sounds like a random synapse occasionally fires that creates something resembling speech