Zach Rabiroff

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Zach Rabiroff

Formerly at Comics Journal, Polygon, HITS Magazine, and io9.
Dem pundits have now entered the fantasy sequence at the end of 25th Hour, and Taylor Swift asking Gavin Newsom about Ukraine policy is their imaginary kids with Rosario Dawson
Hey you guys wanna see the dumbest plan to replace Biden possible?
Reposted byAvatar Zach Rabiroff
The "let's go with the fascist so the revolution can happen" crowd is especially wild because, like, they had this literal exact fascist four years ago, and did not have a revolution? Didn't even come close to one? Actually ended with the moderate in question just barely sneaking into office?
Okay, I am clearly too old and cognitively fading to pull off writing a book or even another very long article. Maybe the unrhymed poetry market is my thing.
Nothing says “party founded for and committed to the cause of the working class” like a pedantic insistence on proper nomenclature for make-believe knights.
Reposted byAvatar Zach Rabiroff
It's time for the 2024 Comics Worker Survey for US workers! Pay transparency is crucial to uncovering patterns in pay inequity & learning what publishers and clients can ACTUALLY pay us. Submit your info and encourage your peers to do the same! (art by Phil McAndrew)
4th of July holiday really needs to read the fucking room this year
Getting very close to the "fuck it, I might as well eat a great slice of pizza" stage of American history.
Completed my post-Supreme-Court speed run through the Kubler-Ross stages of grief, so I'm in rebellious acceptance now, and good to go. Fuck these guys, I'll outlive them all.
Jenette Kahn arrives at DC Comics, 1976 (from The Comics Journal #37).
I'm tired of trying to succeed. I should be old enough that I can fail in peace.
Mr. No Poster is my derogatory term for people with real lives
poster shop, venice, california, 1985
Yeah, that seems about right.
I've decided to go through the rest of my life in a state of aggressively comprehensive ignorance. I'm going to know nothing about anything, and if I'm unsure of something, I'll assume it's going great. My life will be really short, but I'm going to love it.
Everything is bad, and personally I think it would be a good idea to cut that out
Bold opinions from this 1977 issue of The Comics Journal.
I know it's a fallacy to connect the fact that all the news is bad now, and that we read it all the time. But if we just went back to one (1) daily newspaper, we could get our misery in one horrible morning hit, and then chase it with The Far Side, like civilized people.
Everyone knows that in the 1980's, Marvel Comics declared John Romita, Jr. their "Hunk of the Month." The more important thing nobody talks about is: maybe it should have been Larry Hama?
Just learning that Albert Lamorisse, who directed THE RED BALLOON, was also the inventor of the board game RISK, and I feel like this is the key to understanding the 20th century in ways I can't even put my finger on.
Marvel: This is a children's comic based on a toy. Please help them sell toys so the toy company can give us money. Bill Mantlo: I am a mockery of a man, trapped in this unfeeling body, my touch as cold as death
Reposted byAvatar Zach Rabiroff
For The Comics Journal, I wrote an in-depth investigation into Roy Thomas, Len Wein, and the curious case of who created Wolverine. Featuring interviews with many of the key players.
Logan’s Run: Roy Thomas, Len Wein, and the curious case of the Wolverine - The Comics Who really did create Wolverine? And just as importantly, why should any of the rest of us care?
For The Comics Journal, I wrote an in-depth investigation into Roy Thomas, Len Wein, and the curious case of who created Wolverine. Featuring interviews with many of the key players.
Logan’s Run: Roy Thomas, Len Wein, and the curious case of the Wolverine - The Comics Who really did create Wolverine? And just as importantly, why should any of the rest of us care?
Oh, now really, 1977 Eagle Awards, this has officially gone too far.
Sorry, folks: Jerry Siegel has spoken, and I'm afraid Superman is getting a divorce.
I hate the pitch I just wrote so much that I will be deeply disappointed in any publication that gives me money for it, which I firmly believe they should.
A truly INTELLIGENT pet, I call her "Sexy Snooky"