
Writing is not linearly productive. You can write something no one wants and spend months or years on it; it’s not wasted time. It’s time spent learning how to do things you’ll put into practice elsewhere, so long as you don’t get discouraged and stop.
if u see this, quote-post with your tips for writers that no one gives anymore because they seem obvious (even though they're not)
OH on that subject -- sometimes a lack of progress is progress. Sometimes I absolutely sit and stare at libreoffice and struggle and type out like three sentences and it takes me two hours. I then come back and blast through 2k words. It's not always equal, you have sticking points.
There’s a beauty in learning to work with those sticking points, too, right? Identifying the subtleties that identify “this bit is a struggle because this needs to be something else” vs “this needs more time & thought.” It’s as much about learning yourself as it is about learning the craft.
There's also a good chance someone might want it a decade later.
Or seven point six decades later... (I'm counting on it...)
Yes! Also: the value doesn't always come from external validation; writing can be valuable as a private effort to understand or explore with no audience but the self.
love this focus on writing as learning— ty 🙏❤️
I'm trying to interest writers in something that may not be wanted for CENTURIES - I've speculated about writing it as Science Fiction, but... well, I'm not a writer. If YOU knew what Kepler knew – but you lived before Copernicus – what would YOU do with it...?