Nathan K. Hensley

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Nathan K. Hensley

Action Without Hope: Victorian Literature After Climate Collapse (2025) • Fresno, Silver Spring •
The best of the state flags for my money
Driving the SO's mom back to DC a while back and saw that and I'm like, wait, which Euro microstate is that one? Serious medieval/Renaissance vibes. A proper banner.
a common misconception! in fact it is glorious
The MD flag is seriously ugly
hottest I can remember seeing in my lifetime, by several degrees
drought conditions + heat —> reduced reservoirs —> water in nation’s capital unfit for human consumption (climate collapse as everyday life)
The DC Water and Sewer Authority has just issued a Boil Water Advisory for all customers in DC
The July 4, 1942 edition of the "Pinedale Logger," the newspaper written by inmates of the concentration camp in my hometown of Fresno, CA, describes a "Gala Fourth Festival" & features a masthead motto from Thomas Paine: "Tyranny, Like Hell, Is Not Easily Conquered."
July 4th Parade, Tule Lake Internment Camp, 1943.
"The President of the United States would be liable to be impeached, tried, and, upon conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes or misdemeanors, removed from office; and would afterwards be liable to prosecution and punishment in the ordinary course of law." - Hamilton
if only Federalist 69 were just, in its entirely, Hamilton saying super clearly “sure, this constitution has one executive leader, but I can’t stress enough that it’s different from a king because a President is accountable, including to criminal law”
The Avalon Project : Federalist No
I keep wondering why universities are getting it so wrong in their public actions around democracy, free speech, minority rights etc, & Nathan's helped me see something: Universities are used to being on the side of the "winners" & haven't realised that they are now in solidarity with the "losers"
the list goes way, way on — the point is that the tradition of action that informs nearly all the anxious ruminations on 'what we can do now' comes entirely from bourgeois philosophy, i.e. the winners, and can therefore be of little use in periods of social defeat like this one
for instance (8, 9, 10)
an observation: there are entire traditions of political thought, and theories of action to accompany them, that developed in periods of defeat and under conditions of sometimes total domination. these will be useful guides now.
for instance (7)
an observation: there are entire traditions of political thought, and theories of action to accompany them, that developed in periods of defeat and under conditions of sometimes total domination. these will be useful guides now.
for instance (5, 6)
an observation: there are entire traditions of political thought, and theories of action to accompany them, that developed in periods of defeat and under conditions of sometimes total domination. these will be useful guides now.
for instance (4)
an observation: there are entire traditions of political thought, and theories of action to accompany them, that developed in periods of defeat and under conditions of sometimes total domination. these will be useful guides now.
for instance (3)
an observation: there are entire traditions of political thought, and theories of action to accompany them, that developed in periods of defeat and under conditions of sometimes total domination. these will be useful guides now.
for instance (2)
an observation: there are entire traditions of political thought, and theories of action to accompany them, that developed in periods of defeat and under conditions of sometimes total domination. these will be useful guides now.
for instance
an observation: there are entire traditions of political thought, and theories of action to accompany them, that developed in periods of defeat and under conditions of sometimes total domination. these will be useful guides now.
an observation: there are entire traditions of political thought, and theories of action to accompany them, that developed in periods of defeat and under conditions of sometimes total domination. these will be useful guides now.
straight uncut originalism = divine right of kings
I can’t believe the Supreme Court just ruled that the president can sleep outdoors in a public space.
Shatz in the LRB from 10 days ago, clear-eyed & sharp: “What we are witnessing in Gaza is … the culmination of the 1948 Nakba and the transformation of Israel, a state that once provided a sanctuary for survivors of the death camps, into a nation guilty of genocide.”
Adam Shatz · Israel’s Eight months after 7 October, Palestine remains in the grip, and at the mercy, of a furious, vengeful Jewish state, ever...
When the empty ugliness at the centers of power becomes clear to you, if that is a sharp, new, devastating feeling, a good thing to do is to follow the instructions of those far from centers of power who have been seeing, surviving, strategizing & surviving for a long, long time.
damn they got me
not bad. grew up in roanoke, family’s from lynchburg. i get a more southern result if i use “coke” instead of “soda,” which i did interchangeably growing up
I can’t think of a clever caption for this. It just breaks my fucking heart.
In reply, sees the central fault line in this debate as a matter of the right “scale” for social and political transformation, emphasizing that the strategy we take must be “atmospherically relevant”:
Doing the Unprecedented - Boston Final response: Collective action must work at an atmospherically relevant scale.
Finally, explains why organizing must take place in and outside the state, concluding that “if one foot takes a step into state power, the other must deal a blow to its current forms”:
Organizing in and out of the State - Boston Radical movements can force state policy.
Our latest forum, led by, is now live. Drawing on world-systems theorist Immanuel Wallerstein’s analysis of a “two-step” strategy to state politics, Táíwò argues that the defeat of fossil fuel is the first step to social justice:
Climate, State, and Utopia - Boston The defeat of fossil fuel interests is the first step to social justice.
This 1978 corporate self help book offers advice about how “heavily regulated industries” can game the system of administrative oversight by paying off experts, co-opting academics, scamming review processes, creating “doubt” abt data, etc — it’s cute bc now nobody even needs to bother w all that 🎉😭
Love 2 be ruled by these philosopher-kings
psyched to finally be able to enjoy my bread the way it was meant to be: adulterated with alum, plaster, & sawdust