The Air Whisperer

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The Air Whisperer


22nd Century Aerodynamics

...76 years early...!

If air were to flow around an aircraft and its wings, then the 'Bernoulli Rules' governing its effect would NOT help the unfortunate vehicle to fly. Just the opposite; the pattern of raised and reduced pressure zones would have DANGEROUS consequences. And in 'Takeoff Ground Effect' - they DO.
With many places in the Northern Hemisphere gripped by scorching temperatures, a little time spent simulating these challenging conditions could be a worthwhile exercise. Part 135 business jet pilot and simulator enthusiast Peter James of FLYING Magazine provides further insight. | 🛩️ 🖥️
Turn Up the Heat in Sims With Density Altitude Testing the extremes of heat in simulation offers perspective into what would happen to the typical GA aircraft under the same conditions.
art by David Egge, for the article "Return of the Airship: There's a Blimp in Your Future", FUTURE LIFE magazine #15, Dec 1979 (
When people criticize my material on here, the quality varies. One critic helpfully claimed (when 'unfollowing') that my account only complains about some sort of 'theory' being ignored. However, the same critic hadn't interacted AT ALL with the realistic observations (never theory) I've posted.
The article's author includes an observation that may allow a more realistic interpretation of Ground Effect to be noticed: 'GE while landing' and 'GE at takeoff' have DIFFERENT ATTRIBUTES, including risk. In reality, they're separate phenomena which happen, by definition, at different HEIGHTS.
Finished reading David Austin Walsh’s fabulous new book. It filled in a number of gaps in my understanding of the modern conservative movement and introduced me to a number of new and disturbing characters. The chapter on McCarthy alone was worth the price of the book. 🗃️
“Now that we know felons can be white, we’re massive fans of crime.”
I don’t even know where to begin with this.
Lift is a Physical effect with an origin, a duration, limitations and a decline. But 20th Century theories treated Lift as a mystical phenomenon, with 'unrealistic' attributes. In the 22nd Century, that approach will be considered as unhelpful as Ptolemy's unrealistic 'epicyclic' cosmology.
When people criticize my material on here, the quality varies. One critic helpfully claimed (when 'unfollowing') that my account only complains about some sort of 'theory' being ignored. However, the same critic hadn't interacted AT ALL with the realistic observations (never theory) I've posted.
The optimist's take would be that we're ALSO in the backstory of Scientific and Social advance; outcomes depend on WHICH path is chosen. Imagine knowing what Kepler knew (and where it has taken us, Socially & Scientifically) - but knowing it in the year 1500. Aero faces that choice right now...
It's still operational, but generally discounted. I have access to a significant cluster of future; nobody WANTS it...
When I've pointed out that 'airflow around a wing' is IMAGINARY (a hanging windsock indicates STATIONARY air; aircraft can still fly in it...) critics sometimes push back with a claim that 'the airflow is RELATIVE'. That idea is appealing - but it's not 'thought through'...
Theory: Our current political climate comes from the mindset of those who want to speak to the manager because they're unhappy, and are flatly uninterested in understanding why they're unhappy or whether they should be. They just want the manager to "fix it" and thus are willing to empower tyrants.
The article presents (and reveals...) its superstitious basis in two ways: firstly, the notion of an 'air cushion' is dismissed by misdescribing the attributes of a cushion; and then the basic functions of an aircraft are 'magically' rearranged to create impossible Flight Physics. (2/n)
I've often wondered whether my material would be better received as Science Fiction than as a proposed Scientific advance. So if anybody's interested in speculating about a world where Aerodynamics works by DISPLACEMENT rather than 'airflow', and birds understand flight, check out my stuff...
The optimist's take would be that we're ALSO in the backstory of Scientific and Social advance; outcomes depend on WHICH path is chosen. Imagine knowing what Kepler knew (and where it has taken us, Socially & Scientifically) - but knowing it in the year 1500. Aero faces that choice right now...
Common Aero Myths: 'Ground Effect is a Drag Reduction' (An accumulating 🧵; please ask/comment.) Properly understood, Ground Effect could be an excellent stepping-off point for examining other, less straightforward Aero effects. But articles like this one show it's NOT understood. (1/n)
The latest 'Technicalities' by Peter Garrison: « I clung with one hand to my camera and the other to the doorframe of a radial-engined Antonov biplane as it flew low over the Volga. Alongside and below me flew a Strizh … a special kind that the Russians called an ekranoplan. » Read with link. | 🛩️ 🦆
Flying Along on a Cushion of Grease - FLYING For airplanes, ground effect comes into play only during certain brief parts of a flight. Not so for wingships.
The 'Lift' that allows a bird, bat, insect or airliner to fly is a PHYSICAL effect, not a magical one. It obeys certain rules, such as a 'temporal rule' that insists an effect cannot PRECEDE its own cause. 🧪🛩️🚁 #Flying #Science #SciComm #Aerodynamics #FluidDynamics #MeniscusMechanics
Hurricane Beryl went from a tropical depression to a Category 3 storm in just over 40 hours. It’s now Cat 4 with six to NINE feet of water above typical tide expected. My heart is with St. Lucia, Martinique, St. Vincent, the Grenadines & Grenada as the winds are rising.
Hurricane Beryl rewrites hurricane history, to slam Windward The storm has been rapidly intensifying since Saturday morning, shattering records.
There's NO 'airflow' around an aircraft in flight; the idea of 'wind' zipping past the vehicle (and causing friction) is attractive, but completely wrong. In reality, an aircraft flies into air that's standing still, pushing some air FORWARD in front of it, and PULLING even more air forward behind.
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
Aerodynamic Lift is routinely described as an effect of AIRFLOW - but it ISN'T. Airflow is a way to STUDY Lift; it's ARTIFICIALLY GENERATED in order to enable those examinations. The claim that Lift derives from Airflow is like claiming that Litmus Paper CAUSES acidity...!
At some point in the future, 'airflow around an aircraft' will seem as ridiculous as Phlogiston appears to us today. If airflow is suggested, the 'kneejerk' reaction will be: 'But where's the ENERGY coming from, to make all that air 'flow'.…?'
I've often wondered whether my material would be better received as Science Fiction than as a proposed Scientific advance. So if anybody's interested in speculating about a world where Aerodynamics works by DISPLACEMENT rather than 'airflow', and birds understand flight, check out my stuff...
The optimist's take would be that we're ALSO in the backstory of Scientific and Social advance; outcomes depend on WHICH path is chosen. Imagine knowing what Kepler knew (and where it has taken us, Socially & Scientifically) - but knowing it in the year 1500. Aero faces that choice right now...
'What the Wrights Did': Before they built bicycles, Wilbur & Orville Wright had been journalists - they INVESTIGATED. Examining the known literature on Flight, Wilbur noticed that some of it was WRONG. More detailed 'laboratory' tests undermined EVEN MORE of it. The Wrights brought SCIENCE.
Today's 'known literature' about Flight STILL gets some things wrong. And some of today's detailed laboratory work on Aero topics is FLAWED in the same way that it was when the Wright Brothers set out to make their corrections. Anything that wasn't directly useful to their project STAYED UNFIXED.
One particularly DAFT superstition is 'circulation'. This notion extrapolates an extravagant mess of movement from two very simple, and entirely SEPARATE, influences that a moving wing applies to the air it's travelling through.
We make jokes about how dystopia is a lot more boring in reality than all the books we had to read in high school made it out to be. I think what we're forgetting is that the part we're in now - where the characters might have stopped it & didn't - is the backstory of these books, not the story.
Concorde was an amazing technical achievement. With aspects that are still under appreciated. Here's a unique moment in the type's development. Including making holes in the cabin roof of a high-flying, pressurised, only partly-tested, supersonic prototype...
Preserved Concorde F-WTSS has a Unique Claim to Chasing a shadow at supersonic speeds? Just one job this Concorde, today preserved near Paris, did in the 1970s.