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Crafting on the Spectrum: Yarn, Fabric, Wood, PVC
Thinking of trying Machine Knitting
I read all sorts of things, so I follow all sorts of writers
My #caturday is our local doe and her two fawns. The twins are having zoomies all over the lawn.
Fawn is getting bigger and eating flora in its own. Spots beginning to fade
Interview with a Vampire S2E6. The end of it was so sad. The way they adapted the story in this episode was amazing, and so heartbreaking. I just wanted to tell those two to run! Anne Rice really knew how to write. And the writers, and actors of the show are true heroes in their work.
If 6 SC judges get sent to gitmo, who will complain? I mean, they asked for it.
Cybertruck sighting at the Java Crew Hut, in the wilds of West Salem. Of course, it’s not raining.
Reposted byAvatar Tibbi
🦦✨4 DAYS LEFT✨🦦 to back IRON BARGE on Kickstarter! Don’t miss out on this post-apocalyptic talking animal comic! www.kickstarter.com/projects/meg... ⚔️✨
Reposted byAvatar Tibbi
⚔️✨6 DAYS LEFT✨⚔️ to back IRON BARGE on kickstarter! Thank you to everyone who's pledged and shared the project! We knew this was a big goal to make this book and pay our team their asking rates. We're trying to make this last push count! www.kickstarter.com/projects/meg...
IRON BARGE Book Onewww.kickstarter.com MOUSE GUARD meets MAD MAX in a dangerous journey through post-apocalyptic Las Vegas!
Just saying, if debates really mattered that much to all these know-it-alls, Hilary would have been President. Still not voting for the one that nearly killed us all last time around.
Tractor Supply can also do without my business in future. Bigots don’t belong in business. Sell the business to someone who cares for everyone.
Judge Merchan altered the gag order so the witnesses & jury can be talked about by that person. Predicting, if that person does show up for the debate on Thursday, that will be all he can talk about, irregardless of the actual question. Great way to sabotage the debate. On purpose? Probably not.
Reposted byAvatar Tibbi
Tomorrow I'm launching a kickstarter to fund a short story collected called "Silent Spaces" which will include nine stories from the Lady Astronaut Universe (including one new story called 'Silent Spaces'. www.kickstarter.com/projects/mar...
Reposted byAvatar Tibbi
You should all preorder Split Scream 5! :) bsky.app/profile/bitt...
what's this??? the new Split Sceam 5 from Tenebrous Press featuring weird horror stories by Lyndsey Croal and ME, Bitter Karella, which is available for preorder now from the Tenebrous website????? why, you'd be an uncool fool NOT to preorder it! store.tenebrouspress.com/products/spl...
Oh, so many people gonna be mad at Russell. 🫣🤔🤭😂🤣🥂
Reposted byAvatar Tibbi
only have to entrap 57 more people into following me on this platform to have an even thou of bsky denizens who thought they were signing up for good takes and instead will receive puns and a fan page for my own horse
This also works with dogs.
Cooling your face, palms of your hands and soles of your feet is an efficient way to cool off when you're hot. Those patches of skin have special blood vessels that shunt blood from arteries to veins directly, bypassing capillaries 🧪 www.scientificamerican.com/podcast/epis...
How to Cool Down Fast in Summer Heatwww.scientificamerican.com Your body has a secret cooling method, and scientists explain how to use it.
The Vagus nerve is such an asshole. Just was coughing so hard, I started to need to throw up. Didn’t, but it was a close thing. Luckily I was walking in the park, near the river so I would have made some fish very happy.
While not a cat, my #caturday critter is the arrival of the fawn we have been waiting for since the pregnant doe started hanging out here
The anime ”Chainsaw Man” was recommended as a show, even with all the blood and gore, that might be of interest. They were correct. Yes, very messy, but enjoying the interaction of the characters. Plus there was a cute little demon dog in the 1st episode, then a lovely kitty later. 4 stars.
This made me giggle so much!
It seems some people are still confused about the difference, so one more time… A dog that stays in one place: Sitehound A dog you ship somewhere else: Senthound
Reposted byAvatar Tibbi
Prepare to tithe because this Kickstarter is surely religion. Over 40 stories and poems chronicling inner and outer spatial frontiers. Eugen Bacon, Maurice Broaddus, Linda Addison, Jessica Cage, S.A. Cosby, Wole Talabi, me and a galaxy more! www.kickstarter.com/projects/mvm...
I’m so torn. Can’t stand anything ai. On the other hand, anything that freaks out Elon this much can't be all bad.
Just checking temps around here and up/down the West Coast, as I do. And it’s 101 in Shasta! WTF!! Where did that come from? Temps elsewhere seem ok. Are the temp gauges up there broken? Glad I’m not driving down there but geez, that just seems out of norm.
Doctor Who, episode “Rogue” OMG! Best episode ever!!
My #caturday is my local alligator lizard🦎 Just hanging out by the corner of the house
Reposted byAvatar Tibbi
THE IRON BARGE⚔️✨ is a talking animal adventure comic, set in post-apocalyptic Las Vegas. Book One is live on kickstarter✨ www.kickstarter.com/projects/meg...
Reposted byAvatar Tibbi
So the kickstarter ended on Monday (whew!) but we've enabled "late pledges" for a little while longer. If you had any fear of missing out and wanted Neat Loot and a subscription for year 2, you can still do that thing, for a little while longer! www.kickstarter.com/...