
More than 500,000 books have been removed from our lending library due to the publishers’ lawsuit, including more than 1,300 banned and challenged titles. 📚🕳️ Sign our open letter to the publishers urging them to restore access to these books. 📖✍️ #LetReadersRead 👉
How about paying authors a fair price for the books you lend
I believe they already do that, and I think we can be fairly certain the publishers didn't have the books removed because the authors weren't getting paid fairly. ;P
I can’t speak for the publishers, but the IA wasn’t paying writers the usual library book fees.
Is this perhaps because they're using donated books instead of buying new copies?
Perhaps. Scanning them and lending those copies is where it gets legally murky
Where does the law stand on you streaming football matches? Legal or illegal?
Do you return the football match when you’re done with it? What’s the difference between being able to view a book online for a time and being able to have a book at home for a time?
As a librarian I can tell you - nothing. This is just an attempt to try and protect publishers profits and destroy libraries, something that the political right has been working at for well over a century.
Locally? Not punished by law, not to the extent of hosting a streaming website is
That's a very strange way of spelling "yes it's illegal" I mean 90% of rapes that take place "aren't punished by law" but it doesn't equate to rape being legal does it (you absolute melon) Delete your account
That’s one leap in logic. No, it’s not the same as defined by the law. Grow up and stop telling people to delete their accounts.
People like you tried to destroy public libraries in the early 20th Century, absolutely delete your account. You've made an absolute fool of yourself here contorting logic to produce "no, actually it's not piracy when I do it" Have some shame and delete your account.
man I don’t think bringing rape into it is really necessary, those crimes are not in any way comparable
Of course not - what's comparable is that neither of them are punished very frequently by law enforcement, a fact that should be pointed out as frequently as possible imo. You could make the same analogy for parking in front of a fire hydrant, the crime itself is not the point of comparison