
Someone please explain the irrational exhuberance around Tesla shares. Their sales are down, their latest model is a running gag, they have unsold inventory visible from space, and the 'promise of AI' around the planet is clearly oversold and underbaked. WHY do people think buying Tesla makes sense?
it is a cult. they see him espousing white supremacy, and go all in anyway. it's brainrot.
The sooner BYD send them into bankruptcy the better (except US government would probably bail them out / subsidise every car).
Pretty soon it'll be Teslas Vs the Chinese makers, everyone else is going to be obliterated. I get people hating Musk but Tesla make excellent cars (the Cluster fuck being the exception) As an owner, I wish they'd get rid of Musk and get back to doing what they were before his pets like Optimus🤖
Elon Musk very good nerd boy double plus good (There was an older version where Telsa was going to be the Microsoft/Apple of cars, with no legit competitors etc, but this obviously isn't true now.)
Matt Levine's "Elon Musk Proximity" theory seems to explain this - the shares of Tesla are divorced from normal economics and rely on how his personality cult members feel...