This is Tobson

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This is Tobson

Journalist turned kids' librarian. Swedish in Finland. Eurovision. Vinyl records. Rather gay. Looks pretty when the light is right. Ibland på svenska. Bear with me. He/him.
Again I have to ask you all to make an effort and be amusing so I won't be bored.
Kalajoki was nice, the riviera of Ostrobothnia. Now on the train back home.
Kalajoki was nice, the riviera of Ostrobothnia. Now on the train back home.
When I take a brisk walk my new training watch thinks I'm jogging. Everybody wins.
I'm sorry but these are the rules: if you follow me but have suspiciously low account activity + follow unusually many accounts, I am going to assume you are a fake and block you.
Greetings from Kalajoki where the sunsets are not exactly ugly
I really should go back to Rennes and just live off my newly found fame, right?
Incredibly proud to be "Reader of the Month" in the main library of Rennes
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They had me in the first half, I'm not gonna lie.
Incredibly proud to be "Reader of the Month" in the main library of Rennes
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Karaoke night at our hotel and you have no idea how out of tune Dschinghis Khan can be. No shut up you have NO IDEA.
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Saw someone call Marjorie Taylor Green “AK Rowling” and it’s all I can think about.
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Maybe I should just have slept a few more hours last night, maybe I would have been less silly if so
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Do not obey in advance.
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Like no motherfucker its not a surprise they want to fuck over trans healthcare we fucking told you so again and again
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Leser om midt-norske motstandsfolk, og må bare si at Nils Uhlin Hansen ikke bare var en fryktløs motstandshelt. Han så også ut som en føkkings Hollywood-hunk 👀
My oboard entertainment, part 1
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It's London trans pride on 27 July. If you're horrified by Streeting's avowed intent to make the puberty blocker ban permanent, please step up and show it. There are a lot more of us cis folk than trans folk; we all need to use our voices and platforms. #PubertyBlockers
Greetings from the train. I'll be here for a while, please keep me amused.
Tomorrow I get to add a new entry to the list of places I visited in Finland. I celebrate this prematurely with wine and snacks.
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This thread right here
In 2012 I wrote a book revealing the deep connections between the US far right and the Swerf/Terf campaigns. I'm not the only one who has reported on this connection, of course.
My favourite ramen has so much chili it gets my nose running.
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I don’t think people should shoot other people. But I don’t have much sympathy for people who do think you should shoot people who then get shot themselves. This is a thing you said was good.
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Gosh this in no way looks staged
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To be vaguely serious, I feel like the USA being in denial of its extremely violent, not very distant political past is a part of the immature political situation it finds itself in now. If you can say an assassination attempt is unheard of, you can say anything. Trump’s America.