Todd Clardy, PhD

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Todd Clardy, PhD

Fish biologist interested in all things fishy, particularly comparative and functional anatomy and early life history. I play with a CT scanner a lot. Collections manager for the Department of Ichthyology at the NHMLA.
Thanks, it’s been a long road, but I think I’m finally where I need to be. Wasn’t sure I’d ever get here, honestly!
Here’s my new paper in Zoomorphology “Fractal morphology of mechanosensory lateral-line canals in Stichaeidae” in which I describe a method to quantify the complex patterns of lateral-line canals in teleosts, using pricklebacks as an example family.
Fractal morphology of mechanosensory lateral-line canals in Stichaeidae - The marine teleost family Stichaeidae shows considerable variation in the morphology of mechanosensory lateral-line canals across its six subfamilies, 38 genera, and 82 species. Some species have redu...
I’m excited about the work. I think it addresses an important, though perhaps niche, problem in studying fish mechanoreception. But I’m most excited about its publication. Story time!
I submitted this manuscript on January 1, 2022. Get the year started with a bang, right? Unfortunately, on January 16, I was admitted to the hospital, where I stayed for 45 days. I left after undergoing a liver transplant on March 6 and spending a few weeks recovering.
While I was in the hospital, the paper was accepted with revisions. Great news! Unfortunately, I was in no shape to do anything for months. I set a major recovery goal of finishing this manuscript.
One major function of the liver is to clear toxins. When the liver doesn’t function, the toxins build up, which affected my brain. I couldn’t think straight for months. No short term memory, gaps in long-term memory, inability to concentrate or think critically. That sucked.
Slowly, excruciatingly slowly, things got better. By mid 2023, over a year after my transplant, I was thinking more clearly again. I decided to pick up this paper and make the corrections. I made progress. I addressed all the comments and actually liked what I had written.
At the end of last year, I submitted the new version of the paper. After one more round of revisions in the spring, it was accepted! What an incredible relief!
After not being able to remember the names of family members or any numbers beyond three digits or words, I was able to complete a scientific manuscript! One using fractals!
I want to thank the editors of Zoomorphology, who I contacted early on in my trauma and who waited patiently for me to recover and finish this paper. I feel lucky to be able to share this with you, dear reader. You’ll be seeing more from me soon!
I had to visit the Carnegie Museum of Natural History before I left Pittsburgh. Very cool museum with some neat exhibits.
The elk diorama at the Carnegie goes hard! The elk is shot with an arrow and left for the vultures.
I forgot you did that, or I would have dropped a couple of hundreds in there.
Delayed leaving the gate in LA for over an hour and counting, putting my connecting flight to Pittsburgh in serious jeopardy. Glad all my travel problems are getting out of the way so soon. I expect #JMIH24 to go swimmingly whenever I get there.
I’ll be attending the JMIH meeting this year for the first time in a long while. I used to go every year. My last JMIH was in Chattanooga, if any old timers know when that one occurred.
Oh yeah a 4:30am alarm so I can get to the airport in time for my trip to Pittsburgh
Aww, a wee baby! Wait baby is 6-7 meters?!
NEW PAPER: Novel pre-copulatory behavior in basking sharks observed by drone. 🦈 🦑 🧪
Look at those chompers! Anoplogaster is called fangtooth for a reason. 🐟🧪
I’m only on board if this involves AI sharks, AI house music, and AI shark facts. Then I’m fully on board.
Spending my Sunday trying to decide which Los Angeles area haunted house to apply for this fall.
I once worked at Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, VA during their Howl-O-Scream event. I was a scary clown! I had a scary clown dance, scary clown laugh, scary clown taunts. I had a blast and terrified more than a few guests.
Right, so my decision is to apply to them all and see who offers haha.
Manuscript edits on a Saturday morning.
ChatGPT, tell me what paper I should write next.
Oh man, someone get Titus a bagel.