TODOS: Mathematics for ALL

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TODOS: Mathematics for ALL

TODOS: Mathematics for ALL advocating for #equity and high-quality #MathEd for all students- in particular, Latina/o students.
Celebrating 20 years!
“Be willing to adapt.” What are the biggest barriers to positive change in a classroom? Hear more from the president of @NCTM, @kdykema, at #moremath #iteachmath #mtbos
New post: Can Bots Teach Math? Where I add to Dan Meyer's response to Sal Khan's latest. #mtbos #iteachmath #mathed
What does effective collaboration look like? Look for teams who are leaning out of their seats. What else would you add to the list? #moremath #iteachmath #mtbos
In Lak'ech Ala K'in A Mayan greeting roughly translating to “I am another yourself’ or “I am you, and you are me” Mayan wisdom has come to understand this greeting as an honoring for each other; a statement of unity & oneness. This knowledge via Guadalupe Cardona Dear humans, In Lak'ech Ala K'in 🙏🏻
This geometry lesson (The Four Triangle Problem) and art project (Rotating Design) from the series Math By All Means is one of my favorites. The students get to flex their spatial reasoning skills and then create some eye-catching art. It makes me happy. #iTeachMath
Leaders, Sharing this wisdom from Elena Aguilar #EduSky #BluSky
About 1,600 renderings of exoplanets are organized in Martin Vargic's latest project. Take a closer look:
How often do we compromise -to avoid discomfort-to the determent of children, communities? #Truth #Equity #EduSky #BluSky
How can we fight against racism? Write, do poems, make art, speak up, confront the narrative that there is something bad or devisive about #DEI and understand they need this racial division in order to move and keep their power, link up with others Keith Ellison DA Minnesota
If you’ve never seen Dorothea Lange’s photographs of the World War II internment camps and the Japanese-Americans who were imprisoned there, today is a good day to see them and to commit to making sure this never happens again.
Thanks Dee. This video filled my bucket with hope and wisdom and courage. #BluSky #EduSky
587 of Staten Island’s eighth graders are Black and 1,403 are Hispanic 1 Black eighth grader and 8 Hispanic eighth graders will be attending Staten Island Tech next fall Idk, I think I’d hold off on celebrating
Scripted curriculum deprofessionalizes teachers and depersonalizes learning and that’s the goal.
The danger here is once all students are doing the same thing the need for a skilled teacher to match a curriculum to where students are diminishes. In its place, pace enforcers to ensure kids keep up. There are examples of this in the USA already Then you can break a highly unionised workforce.
Join us tonight!
Join us for the next #TODOSlive! The authors of the Powerful Mathematicians Who Changed the World book series will discuss the development of the first book in the series, What We Do When Fairness Fails Us & offer suggestions for using with students. #MTBoS Register:
@TheCheechCenter w/TODOS Board honor #PlaceValue Riverside Ca “I see cactus as a cultural interpretation of TreeofLife The cactus provides nourishment, allows for growth regeneration thru its leaves & fruit providing hope inspiration now&future. -Ofelia Valdez Yeager #MathEquity #EduSky #MtBos
This is one of the reasons the Black Panthers did free breakfast and community health services. They knew that if you feed people and help them live healthy lives they have more time to read, think and organize.
This was the first instructions to get rid of inaccurate AI nonsense on Google searches that worked for me! Thank you and whoever made this!
Just used the instructions at to make Google Web — the de-shittified version without AI and "people also searched for" and yadda yadda — my default. Saw the suggestion in a post that I can't find anymore and I'm paying it forward. Do it and pass it along!
CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Google CEO Sundar Pichai says problems with its AI can't be solved because hallucinations are an inherent problem in these AI tools.
In my most recent post, I critique how higher ed and K-12 institutions have navigated censorship and professionalism from a racial justice lens. And, yes, how we can do so much better. Please read and let me know what you think.
Critical Race Theory Is About You, and All of Us | The Jose Recently, Christina Cross, a Black woman sociologist at Harvard, found her work at the crosshairs of the same person who brought us the bastardization of ... Read More
Join us for the next #TODOSlive! The authors of the Powerful Mathematicians Who Changed the World book series will discuss the development of the first book in the series, What We Do When Fairness Fails Us & offer suggestions for using with students. #MTBoS Register:
Join us for the next #TODOSlive! The authors of the Powerful Mathematicians Who Changed the World book series will discuss the development of the first book in the series, What We Do When Fairness Fails Us & offer suggestions for using with students. #MTBoS Register: