Tim “Positive Subway” Smith

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Tim “Positive Subway” Smith


Repurposing my T****** bio and pfp so you know it’s really me

Joe Lhota fan account. Repeal Hecht-Calandra. NYC DOE parent 2008–present. All content handcrafted _just_ for you and represents my personal opinions only
This piece is grim as hell
The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel now says that FIVE Columbus police officers shot and killed the homeless Black man well outside the RNC security perimeter. Columbus Police say the shooting took place within the officers' assigned "operational zone."
Milwaukee man dead after being shot by 5 Ohio police officers near RNCwww.jsonline.com The man killed by Ohio officers near the RNC on Tuesday was well-known in the neighborhood, several witnesses told the Journal Sentinel.
Bob Menendez or James Traficant, choose your fighter
Remember, if the government can obtain a conviction against Bob Menendez for taking bribes and stuffing gold bars into his closet that he was given for working on behalf of a foreign government, there's nothing stopping them from indicting you for the same thing.
It’s important to remember that at the root of the Republican/Project 2025 push for privatization and vouchers there are some ugly eugenicist beliefs about students with disabilities
This must be a mistake, those guys from the Wal•Mart dept of education reform/Heritage/Fordham/Goldwater institutes swore that AZ vouchers would save taxpayers money….
This must be a mistake, those guys from the Wal•Mart dept of education reform/Heritage/Fordham/Goldwater institutes swore that AZ vouchers would save taxpayers money….
This whole excerpt tells you multitudes about our current political moment.
It’s unimaginable, but I don’t see how I can continue to financially support this newspaper. Even if I am its public editor
If we had seen the attack on Donald Trump only through television footage, it would have appeared shocking, but also chaotic and muddled, our critic writes. The still images of the assassination attempt tell another story.
The Photographs That Made Trump an Incarnation of Defiancewww.nytimes.com In video footage, everything was pandemonium. It was still images that defined the attack and its aftermath.
tower of pizza, vertical view, route 22, green brook, new jersey, 1978
The most obscure hill I’ll die on is that it is deeply wrong for a handful of wealthy colleges not to consider home equity in financial aid calculations, given the ugliness behind how housing wealth is created and maintained and the relationship between real estate and education funding
The case appears to be that a lot of people who have their reputation riding on being politics knowers recklessly dug in around an extraordinary, unprecedented, extreme proposal, and if it doesn’t go forward, they’ll be revealed as too-online dorks reacting to Twitter panic like everyone else
It shouldn’t take 6+ months to receive a FOIL seeking extremely basic disaggregated socioeconomic/ethnicity/disability/ELL/STH status for each of the five 7th-grade GPA tranches NYCPS uses for the purposes of screened HS admissions
You, a normal person: aw, this is a sweet story Me, ruined by useless knowledge accumulated as an NYCPS parent: neither Trinity Church nor the literal/figurative Wall Street are located in or even really that close to District 1, this is going to bug me for days www.nydailynews.com/2024/07/11/d...
Downtown united is helping city kidswww.nydailynews.com One pandemic later, our Wall Street community isn’t what it used to be. The traders who once thronged the Financial District have moved uptown. In their place is a new Whole Foods and an influx of …
Gee, if only the Mayor and Governor hadn't come together to kill a way to have fewer cars on the road gothamist.com/news/cars-pr...
I’m shocked—shocked!—that my congressman has decided to join the ratfucking
Man the Times of New York __really__ wants Donald Trump to be president
Not really enjoying the latest daily New York Times game: “How many stories, analyses, columns, and editorials do you have to scroll through before hitting one that isn’t a variant on Hey Biden Aren’t You Listening We Told You To Resign”
This is utterly impossible to square, sorry!
In Pelosi's MSNBC appearance this morning, she says Biden needs to decide whether to stay in. The host reminds her that Biden says he's decided, and she again treats it as an open question. She then says people should "hold off" on weighing in until after the NATO summit.
In completely unrelated news, NYCPS capped its HS admissions kick-off webinar tonight at 1,000 attendees because of belt-tightening. Social media suggests scores of families have been shut out of the event. Good times!
Y'all LMAO 🤦🏻‍♀️ NYPD admitting they don't give a fuck and can't stand behind these bullshit hollow words anymore (not thst the new one is accurate either...) "Courtesy, Professionalism, Respect" will be replaced with: "Fighting crime, protecting the public." The move will cost $1,390 per vehicle"
The NYPD is spending $200K to change the slogan on its patrol carsgothamist.com The new slogan: “Fighting crime, protecting the public.”
The New York Times’s week from hell keeps getting worse
France: Defeats fascists. NYT:
This district has gone from ~90% to 58% white in a little more than a decade and has seen a lot of Momz 4 Liberty activity, seemingly pretty relevant context if 12–13 year-old children are launching coordinated racist and xenophobic attacks on teachers, but the NYT is NOT on it
Seventh and eighth graders in Malvern, Pennsylvania, impersonating their teachers posted disparaging, lewd, racist and homophobic videos on TikTok. The incident is the first known mass attack of its kind by middle schoolers on their teachers in the U.S.
Students Target Teachers in Group TikTok Attack, Shaking Their Schoolnyti.ms Seventh and eighth graders in Malvern, Pa., impersonating their teachers posted disparaging, lewd, racist and homophobic videos in the first known mass attack of its kind in the U.S.
Any of the people who were on here scolding anyone who said CP might have prevented this want to recalibrate now that we know he wasn’t a wealthy NJ exurbanite, but a lower middle-class guy living in the Bronx committing registration fraud who had a toll-free route to the murder site?