
ChatGPT already has “Ph.D.-level intelligence,” in that once you remove it from its extremely narrow field of expertise (assembling words into credible-sounding passages) it is wildly out of its depth, but people vastly overestimate its authority because they don’t understand what “intelligence” is.
See also: Pauling, Linus and “orthomolecular medicine” Carson, Ben and “grain silos” Kaku, Michio and “lots of stuff but let’s go with UFOs for now”
To be clear, OP here is saying that "assembling words into credible-sounding passages" is ChatGPT's specific narrow field of expertise. Most Ph.D. candidates specialize elsewhere, though I have my doubts about Thomas Kuhn.
My wife knew someone who had a Ph.D in punctuation!
One of mt favorite tshirts
Saying AI has a phd is like saying a pile of all my old textbooks has its diploma. Deeply unserious stuff
And yet that pile of textbooks would be vastly more useful for at least 80% of what AI is being tasked toward right now.
Then it answers 42. No matter the question.
Or if asked to respond in the style of an expert only responds with, “It depends …”
Kinda of reminds me of a lot of PhDs, can pass ridiculously hard tests but can’t drive a car safely
or engineers, who often know everything and understand nothing
We don't have widely accepted definitions of intelligence or consciousness.
Exactly. The problem is that most people don't have the time or the training to default to skeptical when something is presented to them that sounds "intelligent."
That has a lot to do with modern education, especially in the USA. We don't teach people how to think, we teach them how to be drones in society.
Which part of the post do you think this is a response to, and how broadly are you defining “modern”?
Just commenting on the post as a whole, and "modern" referring to the last 50yrs or so of standardizing teaching, white washing history, and not giving people the tools to succeed beyond factory work. PHDs are almost always worthless any more for even "entry level" positions. It's hard out here.
Okay, so: * Ph.D.s are representative of gaining a level of expertise in a narrow, specialized sub-topic of a field. This isn't due to modern standardized teaching (most Ph.D.s have not been in the student side of a standardized classroom in years), but due to the fact that we know a lot of stuff.
In order to become an expert and contribute meaningfully to a field, you have to specialize, because the amount of time and information required to attain and maintain expertise on anything broader has been insurmountable for over a century.
* The notion that Ph.D.s are useless for even "entry-level" positions has more to do with unrealistic expectations of employers who want people to come into entry-level jobs without needing any training, but for entry-level wages. It's not a reflection on the quality of the education.
Sure, but, again, not all degrees will get people the jobs they want, and many wind up abandoning their degrees for something else.
Sure, but there are several PHDs that are absolutely worthless as far as entry level jobs are concerned. Arts Majors don't ever really go much higher than hoping to work in the field or a museum, but several just go broke from school. Follow your dreams, but do it smartly.
Why do you think a Ph.D. Would be pursuing an entry level job? I’m starting to think you don’t understand what these terms mean or how these systems operate. You’re talking about doctorates as if they’re bachelor’s degrees.
Yes i agree we should further stratafy art as the private domain of the wealthy
We don't truly understand intelligence as a species. The problem is that most people default to "if it's in writing, it must be intelligent" just like they default to "he has a PhD, he must know a lot." Most people don't understand what getting a PhD means.
I blame schooling for that.
We're in some weird funhouse dimension where people taught a rat how to put a ball in a basket and are using it to perform surgeries
There are some folks (I’m guessing mainly students & Internet autodidacts) who absolutely believe that intelligence & expertise consist in assembling words into credible-sounding passages. From 16 to 18.5 years, I was one of their number, so I can say this.
I really hate the term AI. It’s marketing bullshit. I personally don’t bribe machines can ever actually think or gain consciousness. Skynet is impossible.
I was recently at a vendor conference where a speaker quoted Microsoft in saying Copilot has roughly a "sixth-grade" intelligence right now. Which makes sense, if you consider how most sixth graders are prone to be confidently incorrect.
i habe a PH D pretty huge debt
Cool society we have here where being intelligent means sounding like you have intelligence.
I remember someone using ChatGPT to argue with me over a book which the author withdrew and redacted after he found that his primary source had falsified her data. They got ChatGPT to make an argument that we should still use the book, with a long winded explanation why. I just blocked them.
God, getting a computer to sealion for you is a whole new vista in tedium. Like, what's below bad-faith argumentation? Faith No More argumentation?
Faith No More argumentation: "But what IS it?"
Always preferred Angel Dust to Epic, personally...
With the current trend of anti-expertism and anti-science, it is going to fit right in with certain groups...
I have a PhD, and this is not entirely unfair.
I also blame the AI surge on folks for telling folks to use chatGPT as a psuedo search engine and claiming it's fine because "It gives you all the resources up front like a any other"
It takes intelligence to comprehend intelligence.
this is so insightful I MIGHT cry u_u
You'll know its a real PhD haver when it starts screaming 'that's doctor chatgpt!!' at anyone trying to use it. (Thank you to all the doctorate havers who don't do this but maaan it happens to me so often at work and nope.)
and yes it has as its stolen all the content from the Thesis that have been online ! but hasn't a clue what any of it means
holy shit you are very very right
same people often think elon musk is a genius so there is that
Artificial Imitation of Intelligence Oh the hills I'll die on... intelligence will always, always remain within the bounds of sentient critters.