Sean Kozma

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Sean Kozma

Audio supervisor, creative type, and otherwise work in progress.

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It only Stands to Reason
trump just called for liz cheney to be prosecuted for treason which, according to john roberts, is an official act and would not be subject to criminal sanction
Reposted byAvatar Sean Kozma
The Court ruling today is terrible but expected. I will just gently remind everyone that the election hasn’t happened yet. We shouldn’t assume the worst outcome as a foregone conclusion. That only encourages more apathy than many are already feeling.
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I love living in a country where every July I wait on the edge of my seat to see if my fundamental rights are going to be taken away only days before this whole nation shits red, white, and blue and blows up fireworks about how we're so great.
Reposted byAvatar Sean Kozma
look i'll be clear, I will be voting, and encouraging everyone I know to do the same, against donald trump and the end of democracy in this country in november. I do not care if that means i'm voting for a man who is literally dead.
Reposted byAvatar Sean Kozma
a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
Reposted byAvatar Sean Kozma
The “anti woke” star wars fans have pivoted from “the acolyte ruined star wars” to “the girls were too good at fighting in the cool lightsaber battle” which is kind of an admission of defeat
So, , I was listening to the Bluebeard’s Bride episode, and your comments about not getting an explanation as to why his beard is blue. I’ve seen a couple of historical references to blue beards, and I believe the reason his beard has a blue hue is that it is oiled.
Reposted byAvatar Sean Kozma
not to mention the fact that when we were kids, asd and adhd were thought to only appear in “boys.”
I don't think everyone is "suddenly" having adhd and autism. I think millennials were raised by parents who were ashamed of having children that weren't "normal" so we were forced to mask so hard that we "seemed" normal but were "just a little strange" and now we're all learning to unmask.
Reposted byAvatar Sean Kozma
Met a new kind of no-touching friend yesterday. It was on a parking pay station near the river downtown. Internet suggests white-marked tussock moth caterpillar.
Reposted byAvatar Sean Kozma
so I think I've finally figured it out - being an adult is just one day you start a to-do list and then you keep adding things to your to-do list every day and then eventually you die
Reposted byAvatar Sean Kozma
Drake is over as a phenomenon. Congratulations to Pulitzer Prize winner Kendrick Lamar for his brutally effective noncarceal strategy of bringing consequence to an abuser.
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I can't remember a tech campaign this relentless.
Reposted byAvatar Sean Kozma
Be fucking terrified, but also be fucking ready
So,and a few others and I have been digging in on stew peters Venmo friend list in light of the news about his attempts to start a fascist “national militia” called “NAPALM” and boy wouldn’t you know it we are finding large amounts of law enforcement both state and federal as well as nat guard.
A group of far-right media figures is using social media to recruit for its newly formed
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I used to live in a part of Houston that had a lot of street kids, and all I will say is if you talk to street kids for like 10 minutes, you'll be ACAB for life. Cops are predators and they prey on people who are vulnerable, often invisible and not listened to by the rest of society.
Martha-Ann Alito just leaves her empty shopping cart in the lot sprawled across two parking spaces
Martha-Ann Alito parks right next to you in a completely empty parking lot.
Reposted byAvatar Sean Kozma
Clarence Thomas took $4 million in bribes while on the Supreme Court. And don’t forget — Brett Kavanaugh may have taken almost $1.5 million — to pay off his $92,000 country club balance, $200,000 in credit card debt, and $1,200,000 mortgage.
Happy Pride, everyone! A gentle reminder that bisexual men are real and valid.
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Transphobes going after cis people is the very predictable outcome of them being allowed to carry on the way they have, being allowed to influence policy and sporting body decisions. When you believe trans women aren't women, no women are women 🤷
John Roberts needs to recuse himself permanently
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I almost want to go make a Truth Social account to see the wailing and gnashing up close. Almost…
Reposted byAvatar Sean Kozma
Going to revisit the Stormy Daniels movie catalogue in honor of her contribution to Democracy
Reposted byAvatar Sean Kozma
"the verdict won't matter" the man has been convicted on 34 felony counts related to a bribe he paid in order to influence the 2016 election it does matter, and we can MAKE it matter
Reposted byAvatar Sean Kozma
Good morning to my homies
Reposted byAvatar Sean Kozma
You know what? So much is bad and on fire and just STUPID. **gestures at the news** Now is *absolutely* the time to ask someone out if you like them. Or gently try to get to know someone better. The world is a mess. Let people in. And don't accept less than you deserve, kittens.
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