
Clacton, Skegness, Great Yarmouth going Reform 💀 Morrissey: seaside towns they forgot to close down are good actually
I console myself that they didn't do anywhere near as well as expected/won as many seats as the Greens (albeit on a bigger vote share).
Yeah nice bit of anchoring from the exit poll to make their 4 seats feel a bit shit. That vote share is ugly af but the very diffuse spread of it is hard to break through with (I hope)
Reform now have the problem that they have to get on with the actual job of being constituency MPs, which is more than just appearing on Question Time and being drenched in milk shakes. Farage was useless as an MEP. I have no doubt he'll be useless at Westminster.
Plus I am unconvinced that Tice and Farage actually like each other, so I can see that going horribly (i.e. hilariously) wrong.
Also, Lee Anderson and Farage are such massive ‘characters’ (I can think of a better term) that I can’t see them successfully working together for 4-5 years.
Anderson I strongly suspect will, before the end of this Parliament, do something so egregious that he gets thrown out of the party, the Commons, or both.
Tice has fewer shares, so has to suck up to Farage
Even though he’s providing all the finance. Astonishingly bad business sense apparently - picking up the entire tab for something you ultimately don’t own.
Yeah IIRC this is what happened at the council level with the BNP’s breakthrough so fingers crossed. Farage and three barely smaller egos will all be hating each other before long too
It’s also in the context of an election where the outcome was a foregone conclusion. Green and independent wins need to be seen in the same light.
At least I suppose as an MEP he could claim that he was a conscious protest vote and the voters expected that behaviour from him (like Sinn Féin not taking their Westminster seats), but he surely can't do that as an MP. Although people did keep voting for Galloway...
My consolation was that, had UKIP not stood down in 2019, those places might already have effectively been Reform seats. So whilst these can be presented as gains, the Tories were really just keeping them warm for them.
Now those places will learn what it *really* means to have an MP who’s little more than a cardboard neo-nazi. No way Farage is pitching up for surgeries in Clacton beyond the first few weeks. Even regularly voting in the Commons will look inconveniently like hard work to him.
He talked about getting private investment for Clacton, didn’t he?
That doesn’t sound at all shady.