
The New York Times Editorial Board: It's time for the Democrats to get together in a room and simply pick a good candidate that everyone can agree to support. Also the New York Times Editorial Board:
It should not go unmentioned, that in 2020 the NY Times editorial board, after going through a long-drawn out endorsement process, couldn't even narrow it down to 1 person--they selected TWO! But now they're demanding Dems override primary voters and select a new candidate by...magic? Vibes? What?
As I lay dying, I will recite the Times' "just because" endorsement of Cuomo.
One of my favorite pieces of political writing of all time
NYT Ed Board in 2020 - How can we piss off absolutely everyone?
Even as an elderly Gen Xer I’m amazed at how old & out of touch this feels.
Is it your view that, but for the new york times editorial board, nobody would be calling on Biden to drop out?
I can, yeah. You're welcome to regard it as a nonsequitur if you like, it's also fine if you don't want to answer
I mean, the point is this:
I think we’re talking about two different questions here—people who think Biden is shot and would be OK with an abrupt but logical switch to his elected VP vs. people who see it as a chance to jam through their pet theory of what would be popular while magically not tearing the party apart
A fairly wide array of people are coming to the same conclusion for the same reason, and some of those people are naturally very annoying pundits. But once you think through the implications of Biden dropping, it probably has to be Harris. NYT ed board is a compass with a very sticky needle
But instead they advocated some kind of instant contest to pick an unspecified replacement