
Especially given that Biden was an erratic speaker in his prime—the question is how far off his cognitive baseline Biden is now, and if you're gonna push out a news alert every time he misspeaks and immediately corrects himself, you're just making it harder for the public to figure it out!
It’s pretty alarming how the reporters suddenly devoted to watchdogging Biden can’t tell the difference between real drastic glitches like in the debate and normal fumbling
They also seemed to make a big deal about his speaking being too tightly controlled. Everyone seemed to forget that Prime Joe had severe foot-in-mouth disease.
Especially given that his presidential opponent was named as a pedophile in the Epstein grand jury testimony, but crickets from the media. Biden having the occasional senior moment is BREAKING NEWS
They are trying to will it into existence. Honestly one of the most unethical examples of journalism I’ve ever seen.
thinking back to the Dem primary debates of 2020 when he began talking about how families gather around their record players. he's just like this. he has terminal foot-in-mouth disease!
it's like if he were to accidentally misgender a trans person and correct himself immediately, the media would scream LOOK BIDEN'S TRANSPHOBIC, Y'ALL SHOULD LET TRUMP WIN