
Relinquishing power is a constitutional concept. And he says we’re “post-constitutional” now.
“We’re going to make the president a dictator.” “That’s unconstitutional!” “No, it’s POST-constitutional.”
Unconstitutional means you’ve overstepped a boundary. Post-constitutional means you’ve eliminated the boundary.
They always start with the claim that it’s the Democrats or liberals who have abandoned it, so hey what are you gonna do. This is pure Gingrich, politics as total war, justified by falsely claiming that this is what Democrats were already doing.
Gingrich is, of course, quoted in the article.
A lot of urgency from people in the crowd, as a contender for president says "I'm going to do the Big Illegal Thing and nobody can stop me" The response from the Dem Leadership appears to be "They're absolutely right. Checks and balances are dead. Nobody can stop him. Hope we win Florida."
Back in the Reagan era, a lot of Republicans were talking about "a permanent majority." Obviously, this is the culmination of that. Ironic that the 80s is when they were boasting about winning the Cold War -- even as they planned Soviet-style one party rule at home.
Shades of the “post-reality-based” era of Bush and Cheney.
It’s all basically “Rich white Christian males should have all the power and we’ll make up some shit to justify that idea” over and over in different forms.
"We're going to re-run the late Julio-Claudian period but this time we're going to get it right because we're REALLY SMART."
It’s amazing how they can do all this right out in the open because the Democrats won’t do shit
For decades the republicans have had the advantage of being so evil that people assume you are lying when you simply describe their publicly held positions.
Seriously! It sounds like a joke but this has happened to me many times.
There is a reason I get a thousand yard stare when people tell me both parties are the same. I've lived 43 years surrounded by republicans including family members.
Interacting with Republicans feels to me like brushing up against the dark and alien minds of demons from hell.
What's wild is despite being 6'3" I've had old men in Maga hats hold open doors for me. I know who they are I suspect they did not clock me.
well, they play for the same team
This is why the "we need to be cautious about the rules and legislative precedents we establish because someday the other party will be in control and could use what we've set up against us" caution no longer works. As far as the GOP is concerned, the other party will *never* again be in control.
NEVER. It will be the end of the US, unless we have a civil war & take it back, since there will never be voting again.
Every time I hear his name...
TBH, I'm glad people are finally starting to realize how serious this is. People talking about legal remedies and such during the next Trump term have their heads in the sand.