Tony Turner

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Tony Turner

Animal lover. Conservatarian, Independent (#ExGOP). Retired. Grandpa. Detroit Tigers, GB Packers, UM Wolverines. Bourbon.
Good morning from East Tennessee.
Good evening from East Tennessee. Teddy’s pooped after snacking on a little bunny. I tried making a Paloma (cousin of the margarita). After a few tweaks it’s very good. Xavier had a checkup plus a couple shots at the vet. He’s put on 8 lbs since January!
Reposted byAvatar Tony Turner
"they make me fight battles that i shouldn't have to fight" yes that's how winners talk
This dude is panicking. His favorite TV channel talking to a Democrat is now an affront to him personally.
Good morning from East Tennessee.
Good evening from East Tennessee.
Good morning from East Tennessee. Persimmon (right) has joined Rusty (center) in keeping Nick company at the sanctuary.
Reposted byAvatar Tony Turner
This is choice: Trump sent Harris five grand in 2011
Good evening from East Tennessee. The @smokiesbaseball club got rain delayed in the 2nd last night so I got to see extra baseball this afternoon. They walked it off in the 9th! It was too hot to stick around past the 3rd in the second game which was tied 1-1.
Good morning from East Tennessee.
Good evening from East Tennessee. #Caturday
Good morning from East Tennessee.
Good evening from East Tennessee. A vintage photo of dear Maggie.
Good morning from East Tennessee.
Good evening from East Tennessee. We’ve had a half inch of rain each of the last three days, helping to get us out of this drought. Turkeys and their poults going after some blackberries.
Good morning from East Tennessee.
Good evening from East Tennessee. Heat index of 100° kept us inside more than we prefer. This is Xavier’s idea of a smile.
Good morning from East Tennessee.
Good evening from East Tennessee. The boys and I are thrilled to have the better half back home. They’re fun to talk to but it’s nice to have an actual conversation.
Good morning from East Tennessee.
Good evening from East Tennessee. The better half is enjoying her last night in Cincinnati.
Good morning from East Tennessee.
Good evening from East Tennessee. The thermometer hit 97° today so mostly inside time. We had our monthly FaceTime call with the Cincinnati and Wisconsin crews. The better half is looking forward to coming home in a couple days. The dogs think she’s never returning.
Good morning from East Tennessee. Bonus photos from Cincinnati.
Reposted byAvatar Tony Turner
The mass deportation scheme is probably the most immediately scary part of Trump 2025. It’s not just the just the forcible deportation of millions of people and accompanying family disruption That’s bad enough. Nor is the let’s-see-what-pulling-this-lever-does-hurr economic recklessness./1
Full quote from ex-ICE director Tom Homan: "Trump comes back in January... I will run the biggest deportation force this country has ever seen. They ain’t seen shit yet. Wait until 2025.” Tonight in Florida Trump pledged to bring Homan back. Homan, BTW, is a listed Project 2025 contributor.
Good evening from East Tennessee. Mid-90’s today so limited time outside. The dogs just scared off a big coyote that was on the driveway.
Good morning from East Tennessee. Nick (right) has been released from quarantine so now Rusty can socialize with him.
Good morning from East Tennessee. A photo from Cincinnati. The grands like sitting on the a/c vents.
Good evening from East Tennessee. With the better half in Cincy until Tuesday, I fired up the grill to fulfill my protein needs. She fixed me a batch of her Mexican coleslaw as a side and I made two quarts of salsa yesterday. The salsa was great on both shrimp and slaw.
Good morning from East Tennessee.
Good evening from East Tennessee. The better half sent a photo of the grands enjoying their new backyard in Cincy.