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PDX. Professional flailer. She/her.
Me: do you know who Charli XCX is? Husband: yeah it’s brat summer, right?
shelley duvall was a genius actor who also invented so much of what the idea of a cool person or a sexy weirdo still is today, way way more than I think is really acknowledged, rip to a true babe and a ferocious talent
I’m sad to hear that Shelley Duvall has died. I was talking to someone only yesterday about how brilliant I think she is. I was spoiled for what photo of her to use because they all have something great in them. RIP
It’s kinda scary how people on the right constantly repeat the line about how America is not actually a democracy, it’s a ~cOnsTitUtiONal REpuBliC~ as if that isn’t a type of fucking democracy. Seems like they really want to live in an undemocratic state.
The problem with cutting out dairy as a mildly lactose intolerant person is I become EXTREMELY lactose intolerant very quick. I’ve been avoiding dairy for a couple weeks. This morning I had some and now my day is ruined.
It’s normal to have an anxiety tummyache literally 25/7 right?
Posting this randomly and not for any recent headlines or whatever
Doing some painting for the first time in ages
Brain decided I should start my dad at 3:30. Should be great come 4 pm.
Any taco place that has a suggestive name is so off putting to me!! Pink Taco? Tight Taco? Please stop it I hate it.
More sure about this every day.
No joke I think Kate Middleton is dead
Our cat has made an enemy of the neighbor cat at our new house. When I initially met the neighbor I thought she said her cat was named Mr Grey. Last night I talked to her again and learned that in fact he is SIR Grey! Mario’s nemesis is KNIGHTED!
Feeling funny ever since therapy today. Does that mean it’s working?
Watching the Truman show with my kids and they are so into it. I kind of forgot that it’s a great suspense movie!
I chaperoned my 5th graders field trip to Oaks Park today. Rode the tilt-a-whirl and my stomach has not been right ever since. Rides get me fucked in these days!!
Get up here! Let’s dance…! … let’s dance…!
Bought this 1972 astronomy book today. What it lacks in up to date scientific findings, it makes up with adorable design!
Went to my moms 60th tonight and our old neighbors were there. They always treated me like I was a little criminal when I was a kid. I was friends with their daughter and they acted like I was going to get her hooked on heroin. It was so weird bc I was a kid who never got in trouble at school at all
My dad got my 11 year old a 3D printer for his birthday. It’s so cool??? Watching it work is mesmerizing.
How should I feel about my 10 year old loving “phonk” music?
Our bunny has built a nest. It’s PROBABLY a false pregnancy but she also did escape and live outside for 2 days a month ago 😬😬😬
If you’re a Portland “progressive” and you sat this election out, you failed your cause and you should be ashamed of yourself.
No joke I think Kate Middleton is dead
Felt compelled to try these. Yes yes. Very good.
People who miss the experience of going to Blockbuster to browse the rows of VHS and DVD's- you may not realize this but most public libraries carry a selection of new and old films. You'd be surprised what you can find just by visiting a place that will loan you books. Support your local library.
My best friend FINALLY started playing stardew valley and I am loooving the text updates. She’s dating Elliot ❤️