happy war on chrusmas

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happy war on chrusmas


Friendly neighborhood communist. NC babey 🚁👕 he/él/ele
Today is Décadi the 20th of Messidor in the year 232. Messidor is the month of harvest. Today we celebrate parks. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/parks
Today is Décadi the 20th of Messidor in the year 232. Messidor is the month of harvest. Today we celebrate parks. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/parks
Cobie danced to most of One More Time but I think the song went on just a bit too long for her tastes, she still has much to learn about French House.
I’ve yet to see British media refer to An Taoiseach as anything other than ‘Prime Minister of Ireland’
Can’t even have a Tory in Whitehaven these days, thanks to Wok(ington)
Congrats to the United Kingdom for electing Joe Biden.
Anyone know where I put my old Kindle?
True fact: you have to face in the direction of this building every time you put mail in your mailbox or else the mail won’t get delivered.
Post office Mecca, CA
Happy 17 Messidor to all who celebrate.
Today is Septidi the 17th of Messidor in the year 232. Messidor is the month of harvest. Today we celebrate redcurrant. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/redcurrant
📽️ On this day, 103 years ago
Happy 4th of July! 🇺🇸
Sometimes you just need to make yourself a pizza and a significant number of cookies.
Leonard Peltier just got denied parole. Joe Biden is now the only person on earth who can pardon him & free him from his nearly 50 years as a political prisoner.
Leonard Peltier Denied Parole After Nearly 50 Years In Prisonwww.huffpost.com President Joe Biden is likely the last hope for the ailing, 79-year-old Native American rights activist to ever go home.
It owns being politically on the side of justice and having everyone freak out about the one time we maybe got a little too excited in order to justify all the thousands of times past, present and future they have/want to enact bloody vengeance against us!
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" www.mediamatters.org/project-2025...
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"www.mediamatters.org
An autistic man was wrongfully convicted 20 yrs ago & put on death row for his kid’s death based on a now discredited theory Hospital staff judged his autistic traits as signs of guilt Read more & Sign here to help stop the Oct 17 execution of Robert Roberson an innocent autistic father #SignalBoost
Stop the Oct. 17 execution of Robert Roberson, an innocent fatherinnocenceproject.org Mr. Roberson would be first person in the U.S. executed based on the discredited shaken baby syndrome hypothesis. Act now.
You ever have a real good tweet on deck but then you go to load it up and fire it and it’s just vanished entirely from your brain? Like walking into the kitchen and forgetting what you needed, but for posting.
get back to me when ai can do this
Sending the current Supreme Court back in time to 1649 to argue in Charles Stuart’s defense against the Parliamentarians’ accusations of treason.
I been thinkin, and it seems to me that more and more around here capitalism has failed to do away with class distinctions but has merely simplified them into the owning class, who have all the power and the wealth, and the laboring class, who have nothing to their name but their potential for work.
Everyone who’s been clinging on to hope since July of 2016 is about to have the wildest “Here’s how Bernie can still win” moment imagineable when Joe Brandon steps down.
What are four films you don't just dislike, you despise
What are four films you don't just dislike, you despise
Need to become the kind of person who says "what" as a relative pronoun in nonstandard places, like "I went to that coffee shop what sells the good cookies."
Sotomayor wrote a pretty scathing dissent, if it makes you feel any better
Can't believe the Supreme Court of the United States of America just ruled 7-2 to stub my big toe!!
It’s very cool that the only tools available to achieve any kind of political goal in the US “democratic” system are either pouring millions of dollars into the judiciary for each case, or else strikes, riots, parodies, redactes, etc.
when I read the name “Laurelai Bailey” in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty four.
Girls don’t want boys girls want to know the precise whereabouts of known CIA agent George H. W. Bush on November 22nd, 1963.