Crockett Houghton

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Crockett Houghton

Writer of Novels & Opinions on Stuff & Things
Virginia (for now) |
My daughter just asked me what I thought about putting bbq sauce on Ramen noodles and I have to say, I think I’m raising a Top Chef contender over here, folks.
cw: weight loss stuff I'm on meds to lose weight to prevent damage to my spine & relatives who've bullied me about it since I was a kid- have gained weight recently & been like "so, it's actually really hard to lose." Like yeah, fucking duh, maybe you shouldn't have bullied a 7 year old, dipshits.
I can’t explain how fucked up it is that Threads created a more hostile atmosphere to the New York Times than we did. Tony the Tiger brand humping website just beat our asses.
Wow. has closed their Threads account and left the platform after days of getting just shredded in the replies for their handling of Biden post debate. Now they're getting dog piled on Instagram for running from Threads.
good to meet you. i am the mysterious husband who is usually upstairs. would love to be upstairs right now..
Was talking to while he was eating & asked what he had. It sounded like he said "beefaroni wheel." For a second, I was in awe of the kinds of food that exist in the US. Turns out it was a beef and bean burrito- which is still exciting but not beefaroni wheel exciting.
If what people post online doesn’t matter, being the main character online for the day wouldn't destroy your life & cause you to be remembered in a very strange light by thousands of people for years to come.
Thanks to global warming, if someone randomly calls you hot you can just start fanning your shirt and say something like, "this weather, am I right?"
If an adult tries to beef with you a good bit is to go "Where are your parents. I want to talk to your parents"
People shouldn't be having gunfights at high noon. They should be eating lunch
People who believe nothing you post has impact- have no idea how to use a platform & they may also have an interest in discouraging you from speaking out. Online activism matters. Look at what they did to Twitter. Twitter was previously one of the most important communication tools on the planet.
Thanks to global warming, if someone randomly calls you hot you can just start fanning your shirt and say something like, "this weather, am I right?"
Multiple people have literally started masking because of my posts (they told me this directly) and stopped themselves (AND others) from living a life with additional chronic illness and early death. People underestimate the impact that they can have online.
It’s funny cause people tell me *all the time* how they’ve learned from me and found community through my posts and been uplifted and connected to others and gotten tools to recognize and fight hate and felt less alone in the world. But I guess fuck that right? I’m not accomplishing anything.
When life hands you lemons just hand them back. No one said you couldn’t hand them back.
People who miss the experience of going to Blockbuster to browse the rows of VHS and DVD's- you may not realize this but most public libraries carry a selection of new and old films. You'd be surprised what you can find just by visiting a place that will loan you books. Support your local library.
If Daft Punk can wear a mask for 28 years surely you can wear one to buy tomatoes
I used to have low self-esteem. Then at some point, whenever my brain said anything negative about me, I'd respond to it with "lol, lmao." My brain completely disregards all negative thoughts now & immediately dumps them into the trash. Feel free to use this in your own life.
i'll often see someone on here who doesn't follow me, and that's absolutely your prerogative. but i have lawyers, they're very good lawyers, and i will see you in court
im sorry i replied without liking. i was only on my third cup of coffee for the day
"Girl Dinner" was just explained to me and that's how I learned I've been eating girl dinner all along. A sleeve of crackers, chunk of cheese & a pile of grapes? That's me, girl dinner. Three pizza rolls, two chicken nuggets, and a Taco Bell hot sauce? That's me, girl dinner.
I'm tired of seeing people complain about fireworks. Fireworks are great except for the fire risks that they have. And how they negatively impact the environment. And how they scare my pets. And how they can trigger a variety of mental health issues. And how they- (1/98)
holy shit did people know this????
248 years ago today, Jesus gave birth to a pile of guns
People are painfully tedious on here. "I've never heard of this, explain." Go use the Internet yourself while it still works
"Girl Dinner" was just explained to me and that's how I learned I've been eating girl dinner all along. A sleeve of crackers, chunk of cheese & a pile of grapes? That's me, girl dinner. Three pizza rolls, two chicken nuggets, and a Taco Bell hot sauce? That's me, girl dinner.
Someone somewhere nearby has started letting off fireworks for my birthday. There’s literally no other reason why they would be doing that today. It’s so thoughtful.
i'm going to write a guide on being normal on the internet bc some of you seem to need the help
It is so fucked up that I can’t guarantee the happiness of the people I care about at all times. Who the fuck came up with that idea
Flattening a penny at the zoo makes it worthless unless your currency is frivolity.