
“post your kid’s photos here it’s totally fine so post away!” “hey we will hide your likes so like away”
cant call out people for liking Nazi content when no one can see your likes.
big devito energy u just know it was because elon saw mark cuban or some body get more likes on a post lol
1000% or it's because he saw someone dunk on him and get 3x his usual likes.
Like count will not be hidden. What's being hidden is which tweets each user liked.
Posts will show how many likes they have, but you will no longer by default be able to check what someone likes from their profile page by default
I suppose it does remove any ability for validation though. Currently you can see when all the likes are spam accounts (this has been getting worse, like 9 to 1 I've seen on my own account), and theoretically you can verify that Elon didn't type in a random like-count.
Yep. It’s a new way to obfuscate but it will look the same for most users
I bet this is gonna end up the same as “you can hide the blue check” one day it all comes back and is gonna be an interesting day.
Has elon been liking porn or some shit
Him and his groupies keep getting called out for liking unhinged right-wing conspiracy theories and Nazi material
I think he liked a cringe anime content tweet before. Someone noticed and took a screenshot of it, when it circulated on Twitter people predicted that he would make likes private.
yes i just saw it the other day, he liked a post thirsting over the high school girl from death note
Christian nationalists keep getting caught liking things that they actively preach against
I'd want to hide them too if I were one of these politicians out here liking all kinds of stuff they probably shouldn't like on main under their whole a** Christian name 😂
Cool, now JKR can go on a TERF post liking spree without consequences. Yeah, that's great.
So the blue checkers are not made sad by their lack of anyone liking whatever shit they spew
Oh so soon you will be able to pay to add likes, right? Like how they buy votes?
the longer I think about it the more insidious - it’s now just a number they set to boost/suppress/etc. and no way even to tell if your number and my number match…
And also because he hates being called out for liking nazi shit.
So that nobody can cancel you for liking some nazi shit
So that people can’t see which porn clips Ted Cruz liked.
Counterpoint: I think Cory Chase making fun of Ted Cruz was one of the best things to ever happen to him. She noticed him!
because right wingers are convinced everyone agrees with them and their posts are good, and keep coming up with increasingly elaborate explanations for why they’re not popular: “shadowbanning” “everyone wants to like my post but they’re afraid of woke leftists criticising them”
when this goes into effect and they do not, in fact, end up hyper popular, they will start a new panic about woke engineers in the walls at twitter sneaking out to do shadowbanning while musk isn’t looking, or whatever they need to explain their failure to Post Good
It's also useful if your social media site becomes a vehicle for porn delivery. You don't really want everyone to know what kind of things you are in to.
It’s going to be funny when it turns out that no, people weren’t afraid to like your “edgy” content. They really just don’t like it. I just can’t with the way the cognitive dissonance.
To disguise the diminishing number of interactions going on on the platform as people move to better places. For anyone who's moved recently, welcome to Bluesky. We have cat pictures.
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So Joanne Rowling can like transphobic posts without people getting on her back for it.
Did musk and his nazi fans just not realize that twitter already had an option to hide your likes? Or is that one of the many features musk removed on a whim?
Hidden Likes were first rolled out last August, but only for subscribers. Since that wasn't enough to convince people to pay Elon $8 a month though, he's decided to make it platform-wide instead, diminishing the value of the subscription again.
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So he took an existing free feature on twitter, made people pay for it instead and then when that failed decided to just scrap it and remove having an option altogether. Yep, that sounds like elon
Don't worry, it's all just part of his master plan to make Twitter into the "everything app" that everyone's been begging him for since 1997.
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I used to relax on Twitter bc it was intelligent, humorous, current etc. I had family in the ICU & aging parents. I needed an outlet. Twitter/X continues to decline. Likes or lack of likes are not going to change the ecosystem. It’s depressing. I miss laughing hysterically.
It might change the ecosystem, but definitely not for the better. This new policy seems purposefully designed to encourage the worst possible opinions for people using the platform.
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Definitely did not mean for the better🤣
Basically preventing users from being able to block anyone who likes a bluecheck chud’s terrible posts! Great! 🤦
Everyone he says he likes hates the ratio. They hate seeing their tweets as screenshots with the numbers accusing them while everyone laughs. And they hate having their bad likes analyzed (and who is liking their bad takes) and their horny likes gossiped about (when they should just own them)
Influencers need to move to #BlueSky. Just saying