
So you put your faith in a supreme court designed by slave-owning oligarchs. Where did that bring you? Back to me.
the supreme court is acting exactly as it was originally designed: as a mechanism to protect the ultra wealthy. originalists have always been dangerous because they wanted to roll back centuries of liberal & progressive reforms to the extremely flawed & morally compromised US Constitution.
ideally enough of the wealthy still understand how brutal open class warfare is that they help us fix this ship before it sinks. revolution is an act of desperation. you have no guarantees going in that you’ll win & a lot of vulnerable people you love will die in horrible ways. don’t thirst for it.
reform is viewed as a dead end because the wealthy tend to do the exact bullshit the supreme court did today & purge any laws that don’t benefit them. there needs to be counter pressures in place. that’s why they’re so scared of protests & are trying to criminal masks. no justice, no peace.
really wish I knew what to do right now, aside from "vote"
There aren’t necessarily direct answers, but we can learn from studying the work of people who lived through similar class conditions to the ones we are in now.
Index to Lenin's 'What is to be Done?'
If things get really, really dark, there is a lot to learn from the resistance movements that fought during World War II in occupied countries, but I’m hoping we don’t have to learn those tactics.
make a sign and go stand on a street corner in the center of town stick to it watch what happens
God let Biden get diagnosed with Cancer or something so he decides to go for broke and stop all this before he dies
Sage you having the Bard tag makes sense when you post quality things like this. 😁😅
bard is one of my favorite TTRPG classes, so i was delighted to see that's labeler had decided i was one. ☺️
Re-listening to State & Revolution and just getting angrier and angrier.
What does John Malkovich have to do with this?
eh, Lenin is a fascinating & flawed historical figure. The United States spent a lot of money & effort during the cold war trying to convince folks both him & Marx were ideological boogeymen.
i’m anarcho-communist. we can totes have that discussion sometime & i’d probs agree with most of it lol Lenin is interesting to me because of his flaws. I don’t believe in great men. I’m interested in what the human responses to stress points in history are. Does that make sense?