
A different constitutional crisis everyday
It's not a constitutional crisis if Joe Biden covers his ears and goes la-la-la I can't hear you
Look, this is a shitty thing, but what exactly is Biden supposed to do here? He can't fire SCOTUS. If he issues an executive order to counter this it will get litigated. He can work with Congress to try to get a law written, but since we don't have both houses, that's not likely to happen.
guess the president has no power, can’t do anything. meanwhile trump is all powerful and can do everything he wants. do i have that right?
If SCOTUS somehow says Trump is above criminal prosecution while Biden isn't... Seriously, what do you want Biden to do? Expand the Court? The Senate won't do that.
"Look, the republicans have repeatedly demonstrated the rules mean nothing to them and trying to fight them within the framework of the current rules is useless" "So what do you want the democrats to do? Break the rules?" *grasps pearls*
It was a serious question. I see you ducked it and chose to go ad hominem instead. No, really. Aside from a vague insinuation that the Dems should break the rules, what, specifically, do you think they should do?
Since I'm not interested in another ad hominem, I'll tell you what _I_ think the Democrats should do. They should go on a media attack. Republicans are only winning by disinformation. They have to undermine that support by informing people.
The media imbalance strongly favors the Republicans and neuters the possibilities of a "fight fire with fire" campaign. Keep in mind that Republicans (a) lost their minds for four years because Hillary Clinton used a private email server (b) don't give a shit about Trump brining home classified docs
Why the disparity? Because not only FoxNews, but also CNN, NYT, and WaPo all happily report on any minor transgression Dems do as if it were a traitorous abuse of power. So, what do you do now? Spit into the wind? The _only_ answer is to go after FoxNews. And stop listening to consultants.