
Every time I read a sober company-wide email complete with imaginary eye contact from the CEO explaining how we need to streamline and focus on our strengths and how people might be "impacted" by "restructuring," I think of friends losing their jobs while the CEO buys a yacht.
Hugs to friends at Microsoft, Arkane, and... well, a lot of places.
I know a lot of people lost their jobs, but hey, that one high-level management dude everyone works around because he says a lot of empty words and never gets anything done unless you count ordering $500 bottles of wine on the company dime at conventions? Don't worry, he made it.
Is it really a “tough decision” when the person making it will never see the impact? Maybe if the top brass had to write a Lincoln-Bixby letter for every layoff there would be some level of understanding.
"Some of you may die but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make"
I just loved hearing about how the decision to close studios came about due to the "lean central team" being overworked having to manage the staff under them, and so the staff under them are being cut back to make the managers' lives easier.
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Yeah in fact it would make it even easier if they didn't have to manage anyone at all, or produce any games, and we all just paid them $60 for 150GB of random numbers every quarter
Every quarter? How about a $60 monthly subscription service to a AI-driven random number generator?
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Great, also let's have a $90 platinum tier where you get exclusive skins for your non-functional gibberish that you can trade with other players in return for points that do nothing and expire after six months
we need to let the orcas know again
Of course he did. They always do. They're usually the *only* ones who do.
CEO: "We're streamlining and restructuring the labour pool within our shared corporate family." Employee: "Does that mean you're firing the executives whose bad decision have cost the company millions and besmirched our hard won reputation throughout the industry?" CEO: "No."
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Simple: Beat them. To death. In the meeting. If management decides to fire 100 people. those 100 people immediately go straight for C-suite and stomp their fucking lives out with their boots. Economic violence from the ruling class can only be met with proper violence from the working class.
When they lay off people at my office they have two armed guards watch you pack a box and escort you out one by one
They would need to double that for me.
Damn. That was my game plan as well. Got to reconsider.
Seems a lot like clinical staff receiving emails thanking us for how hard we work & promoting how much the do to promote work life balance, look after our mental health & help us avoid burnout, because they understand how stressful it can be, whilst offering 1 free 15 minute massage.
"Some of you may lose your jobs but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make."
month five of unemployment starts next week
wait for real? are you looking because I know of something you might be interested in
yup, R&D cut 70% before Christmas, I am looking but unable to relocate and I have a pretty weird skillset
Got it, I’m very much closer to the wet lab implementation side but have plugged all sorts of instrumentation and LIMS into all sorts of clouds.
yeah the wet lab experience is great; believe me they need that especially if you've ever been like "jfc these processes are broken, if only we could _____"
Well he got a tax break for that yacht. Is he supposed to just leave that money in a pile?
Okay, but please consider that it's a really nice yacht.
A BIGGER yacht. He already has a yacht.